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Promotion of Biomass Cogeneration With Power Export in the Indian Sugar Industry

Helping Reduce the Risk of Global Warming
Greenhouse Gas Pollution Prevention (GEP) Project in India

India is the world’s fifth largest, and second fastest growing, source of greenhouse gas emissions. The GEP Project, conducted under an agreement with USAID-India and NETL, has helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from coal- and biomass-fired power plants. The Project has directly contributed to reducing emissions of CO2 by 6 to 10 million tons per year.

India is the largest producer of sugar and also contains vast reserves of coal. Under the Project’s Advanced Bagasse Cogeneration Component, cogeneration (production of electricity and steam) using biomass fuels year-round in high efficiency boilers in sugar mills is promoted. Experts feel that, using the concept of sugar mill cogeneration, that as much as 5,000 megawatts of electricity can be generated through efficient combustion of bagasse in Indian sugar mills.

"Promotion of Biomass Cogeneration With Power Export in the Indian Sugar Industry" [PDF-113KB]
Scott M. Smouse and Gary E. Staats (1998)