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Carbon Storage
FAQ Information Portal: Carbon Capture

After carbon dioxide is captured, what happens to it?
The phrase "carbon capture and storage" (CCS) is commonly used to describe the overall process for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions control.  However, this expression references only two of the four major steps in the CCS process; the other two important steps are compressing the CO2 after capture (required for transport and storage) and transporting the CO2 from the source to the storage site. Once the CO2 gas has been captured, the volume must be reduced to cost effectively transport and store it. A compressor can be used to increase the pressure of the CO2 gas.

In geologic storage, CO2 is injected under pressure into suitable geologic formations, taking advantage of the natural trapping mechanisms in those formations. In fact, the CO2 is injected at sufficiently high pressures and temperatures so that it becomes what scientists call a "supercritical fluid." Supercritical fluids are like gases in that they can diffuse readily through the pore spaces of solids but, like liquids, they take up much less space than gases.  Supercritical CO2 compresses further as the depth increases, increasing the amount that can be stored in the same volume of rock. High pressure at sufficient depths (i.e., greater than 800 meters [2,600 feet]) maintains the supercritical fluid state.

Illustration of Pressure Effects on CO2
Illustration of Pressure Effects on CO2
The blue numbers show the volume of CO2 at each depth compared to a volume of 100 at the surface
(based upon image from CO2CRC).

In order to reach CO2 storage sites, the CO2 is transported in pipelines.  Pipelines for transporting nearly 30 million tons per year of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) are available in some regions of the United States, including the Southeast and Southwest regions and the Rocky Mountains. The figure below shows the location of current CO2 pipelines in the United States.

Illustration of Pressure Effects on CO2
Location of Current CO2 Pipelines in the United States

However, new pipelines, monitoring systems, piping systems, pumping equipment, and wells will be needed for the establishment of a robust CCS industry. A study prepared for the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Foundation found that, depending upon the quantity of CO2 that must be stored and the degree to which EOR will be involved, the length of pipeline needed to transport CO2 will be in the range of 15,000 miles to 66,000 miles by 2030. These statistics highlight the scaleup challenge that faces the widespread deployment of CCS. An expanded pipeline infrastructure will affect numerous stakeholders (e.g., landowners, nearby residents, pipeline companies, storage site owners, power plants, environmental groups). Therefore, examination of the associated legislative, regulatory, policy, and funding issues that might impact the deployment of pipeline technologies is needed.  The Interstate Oil and Gas compact Commission (IOGCC) released such a study in February 2011.  The report is titled, "A Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Evaluation of the Feasibility of a National Pipeline Infrastructure for the Transport and Storage of Carbon Dioxide."

The design, permitting, construction, and operation of CO2 pipelines are comparable to natural gas pipelines because they both transport a pressurized gas and utilize carbon steel pipe. Due to these similarities, statistics such as material costs, labor costs, and difficulties in obtaining rights-of-way (ROWs) can be used to anticipate future costs and challenges.  However, there are differences between CO2 and natural gas pipelines, including: CO2 is transported at higher pressures, thus requiring thicker and more expensive pipe and welds; CO2 is piped as a liquid-like supercritical fluid (as discussed above), which utilizes pumps instead of compressors; and CO2 and natural gas require different materials for joints and seals.

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