Explanation of Position by John F. Sammis, Deputy Representative to ECOSOC, on Third Committee resolution A/C.3/66/L.22/Rev.1 "Strengthening collaboration on child protection within the United Nations system"

John F. Sammis
United States  Deputy Representative to ECOSOC 
U.S. Mission to the United Nations 
New York, NY
November 21, 2011


Throughout the process of negotiations on this resolution, the United States engaged constructively with its sponsors to find an acceptable outcome..  While we are joining consensus, we still have significant reservations about elements of the text and are concerned that it infringes on both the prerogatives of other UN bodies and the independence of UN mandate holders.

With regard to OP2, the United States wishes to reaffirm its confidence in the relevant actors on child protection in the UN system, and rejects any interpretation of OP2 that would indicate a lack of confidence in them, or jeopardize the independence of their work.  We would also note that not all relevant actors are under the General Assembly, and it is inappropriate for a General Assembly resolution to discuss how the actors that do not report to the General Assembly observe their mandates. 

Furthermore, the language in PP6 that reaffirms the role of the General Assembly in the UN system of child protection ignores the important work of other UN bodies.  While the General Assembly has a role in child protection, it should not supersede that of other bodies which are independent of the General Assembly. 

The United States applauds the important work of the relevant actors on child protection, who make invaluable contributions to the well-being of children and the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.  We would note that child protection is often broader than protection of the rights of the child. 

Cooperation and collaboration undoubtedly enhances the effectiveness of the relevant actors in the UN system of child protection, and this coordination already occurs regularly, as welcomed in OP1. 

Finally, the report in OP4, in addition to being duplicative of other work, must not be interpreted to permit member state interference in the work of the relevant actors in the UN child protection system.  Independence and impartiality form the foundation for the work of the mandate holders for both rights of the child and child protection.


PRN: 2011/270