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Posts tagged: SNAP-Ed

The True Big Apple

(left to right top) Mike Hurwitz, Director of the Greenmarkets Programs, GrowNYC; Anthony Jordan, Community Liaison for Congressman Serrano; Joel Berg, Executive Director, New York City Coalition Against Hunger; Kim Kessler, Food Policy Coordinator, NYC Mayor’s Office; Cathy Nonas, Senior Advisor, DOHMH. (left to right bottom) Alyson Abrami, Manager Farmers’ Market Program, DOHMH; Culinary Nutritionists, Stellar Farmers’ Market Program; Audrey Rowe, Administrator for the USDA Food and Nutrition Service; Linda La Violette, Director of Farmers’ Markets, Empire State Development

(left to right top) Mike Hurwitz, Director of the Greenmarkets Programs, GrowNYC; Anthony Jordan, Community Liaison for Congressman Serrano; Joel Berg, Executive Director, New York City Coalition Against Hunger; Kim Kessler, Food Policy Coordinator, NYC Mayor’s Office; Cathy Nonas, Senior Advisor, DOHMH. (left to right bottom) Alyson Abrami, Manager Farmers’ Market Program, DOHMH; Culinary Nutritionists, Stellar Farmers’ Market Program; Audrey Rowe, Administrator for the USDA Food and Nutrition Service; Linda La Violette, Director of Farmers’ Markets, Empire State Development

During a recent visit to the “Big Apple”, Audrey Rowe, Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) visited Poe Park Greenmarket in the Bronx, a borough of New York City.  She entered to find farmers showing off their fresh, locally-grown produce, herbs and specialty products, which community members regularly use their SNAP and WIC benefits to buy. Read more »

Sazón y Salud: Goya apoya al programa nutricional MiPlato

Goya, la compañía hispana de comida más grande en los Estados Unidos, es parte de la campaña de la Primera Dama Michelle Obama ¡A Moverse! (Let’s Move!) la cual está enfocada en motivar a los padres de familia a tener una vida saludable para ellos y sus familias.  Al asociarse con el nuevo ícono MiPlato del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, diferentes compañías recuerdan a sus consumidores sobre la importancia de crear platos balanceados y nutritivos durante las comidas. Goya, un asociado nacional estratégico, apoya MiPlato al promover mensajes que instruyan e incentiven a familias a tener una dieta balanceada.  Al asociarse con la iniciativa  ¡A Moverse!  y con el USDA, Goya se ha comprometido a proveer al público varias herramientas para mejorar su salud.

Para apoyar a la iniciativa de la Primera Dama, Goya ha creado una gran cantidad de recursos para combatir la obesidad infantil.  Goya ha producido un folleto en inglés y español con seis recetas nutritivas, diez consejos de cómo crear una comida balanceada, y un cupón para frijoles con un bajo contenido de sodio que está siendo distribuido organizaciones asociadas con el programa A Moverse: Iglesias y Comunidades (Let’s Move Faith and Communities) a través de la nación.  La Dr. Luz Myriam Neira, Directora de Nutrición del Banco de Comida de  San Antonio,  dijo que “los folletos fueron tan bien recibidos por participantes del programa de SNAP/Ed”, que su organización va a usar la versión electrónica del folleto, sin el cupón, para satisfacer la demanda de recetas nutritivas y consejos de salud. Este banco de comida también está trabajando con una cadena de supermercados local para utilizar los materiales de Goya en sus esfuerzos de educación nutricional. Read more »

Being All You Can Bean with Goya

Goya, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the United States, is part of the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! movement to empower parents to make healthy choices for themselves and their families.  It is partnering with USDA’s new icon, MyPlate/MiPlato, that reminds consumers to build healthy plates at meal times.  As a national strategic partner, Goya is promoting the messages that support MyPlate and MiPlato to educate and encourage families to consume a well-balanced diet.  By teaming up with Let’s Move! and USDA, Goya has committed to provide people with several tools to improve their health.

In support of the First Lady’s initiative, Goya created an army of resources to help fight childhood obesity.  Goya has produced a brochure in both English and Spanish with six healthy recipes, ten tips on how to create a well-balanced plate, and a coupon for low sodium beans is being distributed to several Let’s Move Faith and Communities partners around the country.  Dr. Luz Myriam Neira, Director of Nutrition at the San Antonio Food Bank, said “the booklets were so well received by SNAP/Ed participants” that she will be using an electronic version of the booklet, sans coupon, to meet the demand for helpful recipes and tips. They are also working with a local grocery chain using these materials in their nutrition education efforts.   Read more »

Create Your Own Cookbook with the SNAP-Ed Connection Recipe Finder!

Are you an educator looking for a unique new way to motivate Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants to eat healthfully and cook more at home?  Or do you just love browsing, collecting, and arranging new recipes? Either way, you’re going to appreciate the latest feature added to SNAP-Ed Connection’s Recipe Finder—the ability to create your own personalized cookbook using our recipes. The process is easy, and the result is a cookbook that meets your needs and inspires healthy eating.

The Recipe Finder includes almost 600 low-cost, healthy recipes to choose from for your cookbook.  Add as many or as few as you’d like. Read more »

Rediscovering Our Roots in December

A root vegetable stew. Preparing a colorful dish like this is the perfect way to celebrate root vegetable month. (Photo courtesy of Marylin Acosta)

A root vegetable stew. Preparing a colorful dish like this is the perfect way to celebrate root vegetable month. (Photo courtesy of Marylin Acosta)

During December, we often fill our plates with holiday treats.  Traditional foods like ham, turkey, latkes or brisket are often the star of our meals, but there is still plenty of room on your plate to celebrate root vegetable month. Read more »

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 5 of 5

Over the past week, Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, and I have provided low-cost recipes incorporating simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. So far, we’ve posted recipes for turkey, stuffing, baked apples and sweet potatoes, and green beans. For the final blog in this series, we’re focusing on pumpkin pie, one of the mainstays of holiday meals. Like other holiday treats containing eggs, pumpkin pie filling can be messy to prepare and may lead to foodborne illness if not done carefully. This pumpkin pie recipe incorporates food safety tips at every step from mixing to storing leftovers. If you have further concerns about cooking with eggs this holiday season, this fact sheet should be really helpful. Additionally, I invite you to call USDA’s Meat & Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m EST, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST on Thanksgiving Day.

Enjoy a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Read more »