HIV molecular immunology database


HLA Graphing


This tool takes a series of tab-delimited HLA types and returns a graph representing this data. For more information, see details below, and try Sample Input.


Paste your HLA data here

or browse to select a file


Compare population, or allelic frequencies?
Compare what class of HLA types?
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Input Format

This program expects a list of HLA Class-I alleles. Each line of the input should be a unique patient ID followed by a list of HLAs, all separated by spaces or tabs. Missing data may be omitted, or indicated by a dash '-'.

HLA frequency

HLA frequencies can be counted two different ways, which differ in how homozygous alleles are counted.

Frequencies of HLA type per person. Homozygous HLAs are counted once.
Frequencies of HLA type per allele. Homozygous HLAs are counted twice.

HLA 2/4 digit conversion

HLA type are reported with various resolutions (2, 4 or more digits). This tool provides three options for handling this.

Leave HLAs as presented
The HLA type are left unchanged and each distinct type is counted separately.
4-digit HLA comparison
Silent mutations are ignored; HLA types with more than 4 digits precision are truncated. HLA type with 2 digits are left unchanged.
2-digit HLA comparison
All HLA type are converted to 2 digits. The conversion is based on serotype information, if available, or else on the 2-digit HLA family.


In the results, the contingency table (column C) reports the number of subjects in each population with and without the given HLA. For each HLA, the tool computes the 2-sided exact Fisher's p-value, which represents the probability that the observed difference is due to chance. To correct for the false discovery rate caused by the calculation of multiple p-values, Storey's q-value is also provided (Storey JD: A direct approach to false discovery rates. J R Statist Soc B 2002, 64:479-498).

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