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Online Digest June 2011
  • Training and Conferences

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Student Curriculum on Racial Disproportionality

The California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) recently published a new online training, “Curriculum for the Worker: Factors in the Overrepresentation of African Americans in the Child Welfare System Research Project.” This web-based curriculum was developed for use by undergraduate and graduate faculty and students in social work programs. It consists of five PowerPoint modules:

  • Module I – Fairness and Equity in Child Welfare: Definitions and Historical Perspectives
  • Module II – A Study on Worker Factors in the Overrepresentation of African Americans in Child Welfare
  • Module III – African American Family Life
  • Module IV – Cultural Competency and Antiracism
  • Module V – Overrepresentation of African Americans in the Child Welfare System: Overview

Each module contains slides with narrative information and links to additional readings and related websites and takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete.

Access the training on the CalSWEC website: (163 KB)

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Vol. 12, No. 5
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