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Online Digest June 2011
  • Child Welfare News

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Using Technology to Enhance Child Welfare Practice

A new issue of 360° Child Welfare and Technology by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota reviews technology innovations that may be used to improve child welfare outcomes and considers current gaps in technological practice knowledge. CW360° is an annual publication that closely examines a critical topic related to child welfare practice by inviting diverse stakeholders to write articles sharing their unique perspectives.

Some of the many topics addressed in the issue's 26 articles include:

  • Data collection, data sharing, and information systems
  • Family finding techniques
  • Social media and networking
  • The use of technology by children and youth in foster care
  • New and existing technology in child welfare practice, such as:
    • Transcription services
    • Mobile devices
    • Virtual visits
    • Electronic medical passports
    • Geographic information systems (GIS)

This issue also includes electronic tags that can be scanned by smartphones for access to the articles. Download the spring 2011 issue of CW360° on the CASCW website: (13.94 MB)


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Vol. 12, No. 5
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