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Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation

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Article Thumbnail Image Estimating the amount of conductive and nonconductive constituents in the pore space of sediments by using electrical resistivity logs generally loses accuracy where clays are present in the reservoir. Many different methods and clay models have been proposed to account for the conductivity of...
Friday, January 28, 2011  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image Accurate S-wave velocities for shallow sediments are important in performing a reliable elastic inversion for gas hydrate-bearing sediments and in evaluating velocity models for predicting S-wave velocities, but few S-wave velocities are measured at low effective pressure. Predicting S-wave...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010  Type: Publication

Article Thumbnail Image Large amplitude waveform features have been identified in pulse-transmission shear-wave measurements through cylinders that are long relative to the acoustic wavelength. The arrival times and amplitudes of these features do not follow the predicted behavior of well-known bar waves, but instead...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010  Type: Publication


Vibrating trucks used as a seismic source in acquiring field data.
Vibrating trucks used as a seismic source in aquiring
field data.

The Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation Group performs specialized 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection data processing and interpretation for the Energy Resources Program and other clients upon request using state of the art hardware and software. The Group maintains the National Energy Research Seismic Library (NERSL) and have been acquiring seismic reflection data since the mid 1970's.  A primary holding of NERSL is the National Petroleum Researve-Alaska (NPRA) data archive which provides download access to over 12,000 miles of seismic line data.

This site highlights publications, data and other resources of the Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation Group.

Warren Agena
Project Chief




A vibrator truck is used as a seismic source in acquiring field data.
A vibrator truck is used as a seismic source in acquiring field data.

Seismic Processing

Our group is responsible for the operation, and maintenance of the Energy Resources Program’s 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection data processing facility located in Denver, Colorado. We process newly acquired seismic data, and re-process older vintage data. These data can be either single or multi-channel 2-D seismic lines, or 3-D seismic data cubes. Also included in our responsibilities are various geophysical analyses of well logs. The end products we generate provide detailed subsurface structural and stratigraphic information which provides the foundation for geologic based hydrocarbon resource estimations, petroleum reservoir characterization, basin analysis, fluid flow modeling, geologic framework studies, characterization of petroleum systems, recognition of geologic hazards, and the analysis of hydrologic systems. [+]


We are currently using a dual processor IBM IntelliStation A Pro to process both our 2-D, and 3-D data sets. This workstation is running an Enterprise version of Red Hat Linux. We have almost completed the migration of our processing capabilities from our SUN Sparc based workstations. All of our users have the capability to use their desktop PCs to connect to and process on the workstation via a secure connection.


In processing seismic data, the geophysics group has at its disposal, both ProMAX 2-D and ProMAX 3-D. Our license configuration currently allows three simultaneous users to process data. Myung Lee, John Miller, Harold Oliver, Nick Zihlman, and Warren Agena all have many years experience in using this software and Myung has written and continues to write software modules that we incorporate into the ProMAX processing environment. 

Image of 3-Dimensional cube created with seismic data.
Image of 3-Dimensional cube created with seismic data

Seismic Interpretation

For interpreting and vizualizing seismic data, we have two main software packages, one PC based and one workstation based. For relatively smaller sized interpretation/vizualization projects, we use the PC based GeoGraphix by Landmark and for larger projects requiring huge amounts of data manipulation, we use the workstation based OpenWorks by Landmark. Larson Software Technology (LST) is used to plot all of our workstation based seismic displays.




Downloadable Data Files

The Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation group manages a large quantity of information that we are working to make accessible through this website.   At this time, only the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Legacy Seismic Data is available for download.

The following data will be available on this page in the future.  Contact Warren Agena if you would like additional information.

Kubat - Southeastern Utah

GLIMPCE - Great Lakes

Madison Aquifer - N. Wyoming & S. Montana

Related Links

USGS Links

National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys The National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS) is a marine seismic reflection profile data archive.

External Links

Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS)


Page Last Modified: Friday, October 05, 2012


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