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IACC Full Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern

The Bethesda Marriott Pooks Hill
5151 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

The registration desk opens at 9:00 a.m. Eastern for members of the public attending in person, and the meeting will also be available to the public by live videocast This link exits the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Web site and enters a non-government Web site. and conference call. The materials for the meeting can be found here.

Time Event
  10:00 a.m. Call to Order and Opening Remarks

Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health
Chair, IACC
  10:05 Review and Approval of April 11, 2011 Minutes
  10:10 IACC Science Update

Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health
Chair, IACC
  10:30 Autism Genetics

Matthew W. State, M.D., Ph.D.
Donald J. Cohen Associate Professor, Yale Child Study Center
  11:00 Convergence of Scientific Discoveries Enables Targeted Therapeutics for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Randall L. Carpenter, M.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Seaside Therapeutics
  11:30 Break
  11:45 Mortality in Autism and Epilepsy

Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks
 12:00 p.m. Lunch
  1:00 Public Comments
  1:30 ASD Outcomes in Adulthood

Paul T. Shattuck, M.S., M.S.S.W., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis
  2:00 Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997-2008

Coleen Boyle, Ph.D.
Director, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  2:15 Bullying and Students with Disabilities

Ari Ne'eman
Vice Chair, Engagement, National Council on Disability

Julia Bascom
  2:45 Diverse Needs in the Autism Community

The Needs of Children with Severe Autism
Heidi Scheer

The Needs of Adults with ASD
Scott M. Robertson
Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder, Autistic Self Advocacy Network
  3:10 Break
  3:30 Committee Business:

Safety Subcommittee Update

Sharon Lewis
Commissioner, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Administration on Children and Families
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee

Lyn Redwood, R.N., M.S.N.
Co-Founder and Vice President, Coalition for Safe Minds
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee

Alison Singer, M.B.A.
President, Autism Science Foundation
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee
  • Update on Interactive Autism Network (IAN) survey
    Paul A. Law, M.D., M.P.H.
    Director of Medical Informatics, Kennedy Krieger Institute

  • Update on ICD-9 Code
    Coleen Boyle, Ph.D.
    Director, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  3:45 Update on Joint Activities of the Safety and Services Subcommittees

Ellen Blackwell, M.S.W.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Co-Chair, Services Subcommittee

Lee Grossman
Co-Chair, Services Subcommittee
  • Fall Services Workshop and Town Hall
  3:55 Safety and Services Subcommittees Update

Ellen Blackwell, M.S.W.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Co-Chair, Services Subcommittee

Lee Grossman
Co-Chair, Services Subcommittee

Sharon Lewis
Commissioner, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Administration on Children and Families
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee

Lyn Redwood, R.N., M.S.N.
Co-Founder and Vice President, Coalition for Safe Minds
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee

Alison Singer, M.B.A.
President, Autism Science Foundation
Co-chair, Safety Subcommittee
  • Update on May 19, 2011 Joint Meeting on Seclusion and Restraint
  • DISCUSSION AND VOTES: Letter to the Secretary on Seclusion and Restraint
  4:15 OARC Update

Susan A. Daniels, Ph.D.
Acting Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination
Executive Secretary, IACC
  • Mid-Year Update on 2011 Summary of Advances
  • Portfolio Analysis update
Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health
Chair, IACC
  • Update on legislation and status of the IACC
  4:30 Public Comments Discussion Period
  5:00 Closing Comments and Adjournment

Meeting may end prior to or later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern depending on the needs of the committee. Schedule subject to change.

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