Maternal and Child Health Training Program

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Diversity Training Peer Collaborative


Collaborative Resources


Diversity in MCH Training: A Peer Learning Collaborative is an intensive collaborative peer learning process in which a small number of highly motivated grantees are provided a structured and safe environment to address challenges to racial and ethnic diversity within their training program through learning opportunities, technical assistance, and collaboration with peers. The Collaborative is sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau Training Branch and will be facilitated by the MCH Training and Research Resource Center in partnership with the National Center for Cultural Competence.

Diversity in MCH Training Peer Learning Collaborative: An Overview (PDF - 78 KB)

Purpose of the Peer Collaborative

With a focus on helping MCH training programs in developing a workforce that reflects the ethnic and racial diversity of the U.S. population, the goals of the Collaborative are as follows:

  1. Cultivate further success in site-specific efforts to increase racial and ethnic diversity within the MCH training program
  2. Document promising strategies for increasing racial and ethnic diversity in MCH training programs
  3. Identify support needed for grantees to successfully implement promising strategies
  4. Develop diversity peer mentors among MCH training program grantees

2009 - 2010 Peer Collaborative

Five teams participated in the 2009-2010 Collaborative:

  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) - Alabama State University (ASU) MCH Training Consortium
  • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - University of Southern California (USC)/Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)
  • University of Minnesota (UMN)
  • Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD)
    • Partner: Mercy College
  • Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (URLEND) - Utah State University (USU)
    • Partners: Indian Walk In Center, University of Utah, Weber State University

Throughout a 9-month period, the teams engaged in a variety of partnership-based activities in support of increased ethnic and racial diversity in their training programs as described in Diversity in MCH Training Peer Learning Collaborative Fall 2009/Winter 2010 Activities (PDF - 81 KB).

The 2009-2010 Collaborative ended with a Closing Meeting in Washington, D.C. on July 28-29, 2010. At this meeting, several Collaborative members shared their experiences, as recorded in 2009-2010 Team Member Experiences and Reflections. Exit Disclaimer A final report of the 2009-2010 Peer Learning Collaborative and full Diversity Initiative is forthcoming.

2010 – 2011 Collaborative

We are pleased to announce that based upon the positive outcomes of the first Collaborative cohort, the MCHB Training Branch and MCH Training and Research Resource Center has launched a second cohort - the 2010-2011 Diversity in MCH Training Peer Learning Collaborative. This Collaborative cohort will begin in November 2010 and close in November 2011.

Six teams were selected to participate in the 2010-2011 Collaborative:

  • University of Arizona MCH Program and Pediatric Pulmonary Center
  • University of Arkansas Distance Learning Program
  • University of California, San Francisco, Nursing Leadership in Adolescent and Young Adult Health Program (NLAYAH)
  • Maryland MCH Training Programs (co-led by Kennedy Krieger Institute LEND Program and Morgan State University Public Health Program)
  • University of South Dakota LEND Program
  • University of Wisconsin Pediatric Pulmonary Center and Wisconsin LEND Programs

Collaborative Resources

"Exploring Unconscious Bias in Disparities Research and Medical Education" and "Association of Unconscious Race and Social Class Bias With Vignette-Based Clinical Assessments by Medical Students" (aimed to estimate unconscious race and social class bias among first-year medical students and investigate its relationship with assessments made during clinical vignettes). Exit Disclaimer

Rationale for Cultural and Linguistic Competency in MCH Training Programs (PDF - 94 KB) Exit Disclaimer

To support the Peer Collaborative, the MCH Training and Research Resource Center updated a literature review that was first developed in 2007. The literature review includes a variety of documents that discuss promising practices to recruit and retain underrepresented students and faculty in a wide range of health profession programs.
Promising Practices for the Recruitment and Retention of Culturally Diverse Students and Faculty into Maternal and Child Health Training Programs: Updated Literature Review (PDF - 741 KB)

2010-2011 Peer Learning Collaborative Closing Webinar Team Presentations: Activities and Impact Exit Disclaimer

2009-2010 Peer Learning Collaborative Closing Meeting Team Presentations: Stories of success! Exit Disclaimer

UAB - ASU Consortium Exit Disclaimer
UCLA - USC/CHLA Exit Disclaimer
UMN Exit Disclaimer
WIHD Exit Disclaimer
URLEND - USU Exit Disclaimer

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