Service Dog Provides Friendship and New Opportunities for an AW2 Soldier

AW2 Soldier Justin Miller’s service dog “Dinah” gave him the companionship and encouragement he needed to move forward with his recovery and transition.

AW2 Soldier Justin Miller’s service dog “Dinah” gave him the companionship and encouragement he needed to move forward with his recovery and transition.

By Jeff Johnson, AW2 Advocate

AW2 Soldier Justin Miller was deployed to Iskandariyah, Iraq where he was injured on February 05, 2007 when he and his fellow Soldiers were subjected to a mortar attack that severely wounded him and his fellow Soldiers. Miller suffers from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His involvement with a service dog  is a story worth telling and can inspire others to take actions to address the challenges that PTSD places in their daily lives.

Miller struggled finding his way back from this incident. While taking pro-active actions to address his PTSD, he came in contact with Clear Path for Veterans, an organization in Chittenango, New York.  Clear Path’s Dogs2Vet program assists Veterans by matching them with a rescue dog and trains the Veteran with the dog, creating a supportive bond that results in outstanding support to the Veteran and enhances their quality of life in the process. Following the training with the Veteran, the dog is certified as a service dog.

In the summer of 2012, Miller received his rescue dog “Dinah” a 3 year old, Black Lab which immediately provided Miller with what he calls “an emotional boost that really filled a void.”  Miller and “Dinah” started a training program that involves about a year and a half of training between dog and Veteran.  The training involves activities one to two times a week.  Miller shared that the training not only enhanced his skills in working with “Dinah” but also skills in facing life’s challenges from his PTSD.

Clear Path for Veterans is a private, non for profit organization dedicated to helping military Veterans and their Families recover and reintegrate by offering a variety of support, training, vocational, and recreational programs in a rural setting of natural beauty. The organization offers many programs including outdoor activities, camping, vocational programs, and “talking circles” where Veterans can meet with each other and share their experiences and provide mutual support.

Miller shared that the biggest benefits for him were companionship and building his confidence to become more at ease and getting out socially with others.  Another plus was learning how to show his emotions and get feedback on his emotions from others in a positive way.  Miller takes “Dinah” with him just about all the time and will be brining her to college with him next semester.

From my experience with Miller, it is evident that Clear Path for Veterans Dogs2Vets program has been an instrumental factor in Miller moving on in his life; putting the pain of his injury behind him and assisting him to socialize with and support others who suffer the same injuries that he sustained in combat. Miller is currently studying to become a Recreational Therapist with a goal of assisting other Veterans.

Miller thinks that sharing his experiences will encourage other AW2 Soldiers who could benefit from a service dog to take the steps necessary to do the same as he has and enhance their life in a big way.

WTC and AW2 Provides Entrepreneurship Training

By Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom
Starting a business can seem like a difficult process, but wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans can take comfort in the fact there are many resources available to help assist in the entrepreneurship process.

“There are a lot of businesses and resources out there to teach our population how to own and run a successful business,” said Vicki Mullen, AW2 Labor Liaison Specialist.

Mullen and Cory Hixson, Action Officer, the Warrior Transition Command (WTC) Commander’s Action Group, will conduct a two-hour, call-in training session on January 17, 2013 for AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, Family members, and Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) Advocates.

The first class is being offered to individuals in the southern region, and additional training sessions will be offered regionally.

“We decided to provide the training by regions to ensure we are reaching as many people as possible,” Mullen said. “We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to listen to some of the tools available for starting their own business.”

Originally this type of training was taught to the WTU transition coordinators, but Hixson saw there was a need for this information to be provided in a larger scale directly to the WTU and AW2 populations.

“There are so many resources at their fingertips, but they are not taking advantage of them because many do not know to ask the questions,” said Hixson, who attended an entrepreneurship boot camp and completed extensive research on self employment and starting your own business.

“We know the need is out there,” Hixson said. “There is such an opportunity for our wounded, ill, and injured to not have to work a nine-to-five job, but to own a business. They can do what they like to do and not depend on sitting behind a desk.”

During the training session, Hixson will speak about the different centers and programs within the Small Business Administration, where to find information on the  National Resource Directory, explain what the  Veteran Franchise Centers is, as well as provide information about additional programs such as Operation Jump Start, Operation Boots to Business, and several other resources.

He will also give listeners a chance to ask questions about a variety of small business topics.

“I want to help by pointing out small business training and resources, but also answer any questions that have already popped up,” Hixson said.

“Many do not realize there are resources to start a business specifically for those who are female, disabled, a Guard orReserve Soldier, a Family member, a Caregiver, and so much more,” he added.

For more information, contact the WTC at (703)325-8999 or email or

AW2 Soldier Credits Comprehensive Transition Plan for Helping Him Through His Recovery Process

By Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom

AW2 Soldier and Operation Warfighter Intern 1LT Dana Summons recently joined the WTC adaptive reconditioning branch. He will help other wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers add physical activities in their journey to recovery.

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with AW2 Soldier and Operation Warfighter Intern 1LT Dana Summons who recently started working at the Warrior Transition Command in the adaptive reconditioning branch. He has 18 years of military service and takes full advantage of the different opportunities made available. I’m inspired by his positivity and courage. Most of all, I wanted to know why Summons feels it is important to share his story.

“The Army has given and invested so much in training me,” Summons said. “I currently have a bachelor’s degree in arts and history and am also working to complete an associate’s degree in project management.”

During our conversation, he credited the six domains of the Comprehensive Transition Plan  in helping with his journey to recovery. The Comprehensive Transition Plan is a systematic framework that allows wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers to customize their recovery plan across six domains—career, physical, emotional, social, family and spiritual.

“I can clearly see how important the six domains are in my life,” Summons said. “For example, working at my internship has been therapeutic for me. It has helped with my physical domain because I have to get back and forth on the metro, but also the social [domain], because I’m interacting with individuals again.”

On October 4, 2010, while deployed to Kandahar with the 101st Airborne, 3rd Brigade, Summons stepped on a dismounted, pressure-plated Improvised Explosive Device. The blast threw him 10 feet into the air.

“Smoke was everywhere, my ears were ringing, and I heard someone yelling ‘the LT’s been hit, the LT’s been hit,’ Summons said. “I knew there was only one other LT there, and I saw her running around, checking on her Soldiers.”

“As the smoke cleared, I turned my head to look at my right shoulder, and that’s when I saw my foot there. My left leg was across my chest,” Summons added. “All I could think was, oh boy, his is really going to hurt.”

A 19-year-old medic told the squad leader to grasp the artery in Summons’s right arm where shrapnel had embedded into his shoulder.

“If the medic had not known to do this, I would have lost my arm,” Summons said. “I credit him with saving my arm, and my life.”

Two years and 14 surgeries later, Summons shares his positive message and his faith to help other wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers.

“When I was healing and going through my recovery process, my mental state was at the lowest point. I had to readjust, and I didn’t know how to transition to the new normal,” he said. “I have always believed in a spiritual being, but going through this really strengthened my faith.”

“I want others to know that life goes on, and it’s possible to fulfill hopes and dreams even with physical limitations,” Summons added. “Someone can always benefit from your story.”

Summons’ Operation Warfighter (OWF)  internship landed him in the Warrior Transition Command adaptive reconditioning branch. This office is responsible for aiding in the recovery of our wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers by reconditioning their physical, emotional, mental, and cognitive states through adaptive activities.

“It’s great to have Soldiers who have gone through similar life changes working at our organization,” said LTC Keith Williams, WTC adaptive reconditioning branch chief. “We can’t expect other organizations to hire our wounded, ill, and injured if we are not willing to do the same.”

“LT Summons is doing a fantastic job so far, and I look forward to the insight he can give us to better help our population,” Williams added.

While Summons is still waiting for a final decision to see if he is able to continue his military career, or is found unable to continue, he said he wants others going through similar situations to learn from his experience.

“I had to learn how to walk again, but I didn’t let that stop me. I mean, look at me now. It’s two years later and I’m living a very happy life,” Summons said.

Welcome 7 New Organizations to the Community Support Network

By LuAnn Georgia, WTC Stratcom
Please join me in welcoming the newest organizations to the Community Support Network. These organizations offer resources that help better the lives of AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, Families, and Caregivers.  Click on the links below for more information about them and the types of products and services provided.

Type of Organization:  Adaptive Sports and Recreational Services

Type of Organization:  Adaptive Mental Wellness and Counseling; Services for Families, Children, and Caregivers

Type of Organization:  Housing Assistance

Type of Organization:  Career Training, Education, Human Resources Support, and Employment Opportunities

The Community Support Network was created based on direct requests from severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, Families and Caregivers.  Soldiers stated that connection with local communities and community leaders was essential for their success and reintegration.  For additional information, visit the Community Support Network webpage. 

Do you know of an organization that wants to assist wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families, and Caregivers?  We are happy to provide membership information to these organizations based on your requests and referrals. Please email contact information to the Community Support Network at:

AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell Calls on Employers to Break Down Preconceived ideas of TBI, PTSD, and Physical Disabilities

AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell continues to share his story publicly in order to inspire wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans and to gain support for the AW2 community.

By Alli Kartachak, WTC Stratcom
Recently I had the pleasure of connecting with AW2 Veteran, retired CPT Alvin Shell who spoke with his wife two weeks ago on a panel at the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium. After the event, I was eager to follow up with CPT Shell and learn more about him and his outlook. I respect his bravery and wanted to know why he thinks it is important to share his story. Most of all, I wanted to know how CPT Shell feels when he speaks about his journey through transition and into recovery.

Alli: What did it mean to you to share your story at the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium?

CPT Shell:  It meant a lot to share my story with the attendees at the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium. When I saw some of the people wiping away tears, nodding their heads to affirm a point I was trying to make, and clapping their hands, it made me feel like my Family’s sacrifice was appreciated.

Alli: How have experiences like this symposium helped you throughout your recovery?

CPT Shell: Experiences like this have really helped me. I always get more from the experience than I give. Hearing other stories of triumphs, tenacity, and true American patriotism is what gets me out of bed. These other wounded warriors keep me humble and inspired. I can never complain about my burned limbs and joint pains when there are others without limbs and joints that work twice as hard as me.

Alli: What message can you give to other wounded, ill, and injured Veterans who have recently separated from the Army and are looking for jobs?

CPT Shell: Work hard. Don’t allow people to focus on your disabilities, allow them to focus on your abilities. There is no defined career track, promotion point system, or senior NCOs to guide you through your career. If you begin to feel like you deserve a promotion or a job without merit and stop relying on the tenacity that helped you fight through your recovery and through your military career, you will be left behind and miss opportunities in your organization.

Alli: What is the biggest lesson you learned through your injury and recovery?

CPT Shell: My Family is everything to me. My mother and father are my heroes. I draw strength from their wisdom and love. My three boys inspire me to work hard. They have taught me more than I have taught them. My wife has been everything a husband could ask for.

Alli: How can real people support wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans who are actively seeking employment?

CPT Shell: Break down the preconceived ideas of what TBI, PTSD, and physical disabilities are and talk to our wounded warriors. Their patriotism will inspire. Their work ethic will enhance your company. Their stories are the building blocks of this nation.

Thank you CPT Shell for taking the time to answer my questions and share with us your positive and supportive messages. Thank you for your commitment to your fellow Veterans and your strength in supporting those who have served our country. Thank you for inspiring us.


AW2 Veteran Shares Inspiring Message at 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium

CPT Alvin Shell and his wife Chilketha spoke at the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center on September 13, 2012.

By Alli Kartachak, WTC Stratcom
I had the honor of attending the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium sponsored by Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA) and National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in Washington D.C. The event truly moved me as I was able to hear some incredibly touching stories and witness first-hand the pain, hope, and love surrounding wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families, and Caregivers.

The event was a tribute to these resilient men and women and their Families, and a “salute to their sacrifice.” Perhaps one of the most striking things I learned was that although wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers make incredible sacrifices to protect our nation, their Families also endure incredible sacrifices.

Veterans and Family members from several branches of the military shared their experiences on a panel. Each story reminded the audience that although wounds may heal and scars may disappear, the internal hurt, anger, and pain still lingers.

Eric Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs assured the audience comprised of Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families that he is doing everything in his power to better accommodate those who have served our Nation and to help heal this pain.

“We’re all astounded by the fight in you. Your stories inspire us to be better at our missions,” he said.

Another story of hope and true sacrifice was from AW2 Veteran CPT Alvin Shell, and his wife, Chilketha. Shell, who was severely wounded in 2004 in Iraq, shared his experience of overcoming the hardest time in his life with the help of his Family, especially his wife.

“When I woke up from the medically-induced coma, I saw my mother, father, and wife. I remember immediately everyone loving me,” he said. “My wife looked at me the same way she did on our wedding day. She accepted me for what I was.”

Shell, who now works as the Force Protection Branch Chief at the Department of Homeland Security, claims he wouldn’t be where he is today without the support and love he received from his wife and the rest of his Family. He emphasized that many wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans may not have the same support structure he did when they return home. Shell urged the audience to lend them a helping hand in any way possible.

“I often think, what would I have done if I didn’t have these people in my life to support me. I’m glad to say I’ll never have to know,” he said. “My question is, who is going to be there to support the other Veterans out there? How many of you are going to hold fast to your commitment to Veterans? We have an obligation to serve those who chose to serve this country.”

As one panelist and student Veteran explained, he felt as though “he was in a room completely surrounded by people who want to help.” But many wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans search for that same feeling of assistance and support when they return home, unable to find it immediately. Still, although the forum gave rise to multiple issues and challenges in the system, I think it also helped in paving the way to hope for many.

AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell To Speak at 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium

AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell’s wife Chilketha supported and encouraged him along his path to recovery.

By Allison Kartachak, WTC Stratcom
Retired U.S. Army CPT and AW2Veteran Alvin Shell, who survived traumatic injuries while stationed in Iraq in 2004, believes that even through the toughest times, a positive attitude, faith, and support from Family can allow one to accomplish anything.

As a living testament to this philosophy, Shell is now the Force Protection Branch Officer at the Department of Homeland Security. However, he isn’t quick to forget that he once faced a time when he wasn’t sure if he would ever work again, let alone survive.

On August 31, 2004, while stationed at Camp Victory in Fallujah, Iraq, Shell and his platoon from the 21st Military Police (Airborne) came to the aid of an American convoy  that was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. In an attempt to rescue his platoon sergeant, SGT Wesley Spaid, who caught on fire from the explosion, Shell threw dirt, hugged, and patted him to try to extinguish the flames.  Covered in gasoline, Shell found himself surrounded by fire and realized he needed to run through the flames to escape.

As a result of this traumatic event, Shell suffered severe burns to more than 33% of his body, in addition to several other injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, chronic pain, and muscle loss. When he received his medical retirement from the Army, he also received a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs but chose to continue to fight to heal and work again because his parents “didn’t teach [him] any other way, but to work.”

After 18 months of rehabilitation and more than 30 surgeries, Shell knows better than many that the road to recovery can sometimes seem never-ending, but he chooses to share his story with others, even as he continues to heal.  He attributes much of his strength to his wife Chilketha for her unwavering support and love through the toughest times as she continued to care for their three sons and him, “a husband who couldn’t feed himself.”

“I admire my wife because she is tough as nails,” said Shell.

In his speeches, Shell also shares details of the challenges he faced in successfully landing a job after his injury, and how he persuaded others that he could meaningfully contribute in the workplace despite his injuries.  He notes how he decided to take the challenge of securing a job by focusing on his abilities rather than his disabilities, and he uses his speeches to inspire wounded, ill and injured Soldiers and Veterans to also accept and ultimately conquer this challenge. Shell also recognizes the importance of reminding employers to make a commitment to hiring Veterans.

Shell and his wife both will be panelists Thursday, September 13, at the 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.  The 2012 Warrior-Family Symposium (WFS), co-sponsored by the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), will provide a forum for expanding on the collective efforts of government and non-government organizations, over the last decade, to improve the physical, psychological and overall well-being of wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers and their Families and Caregivers. Follow the conference on Twitter by searching for hashtag #2012WFS.

For more information on career opportunities for wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans, e-mail

Proud of My Army

BG Gen Darryl Williams, Commanding General, Warrior Transition Command, shares a light moment with outgoing AW2 Director COL Greg Gadson, who turned over command to COL Timothy Karcher on June 19, 2012. Both Soldiers lost both legs above the knee during deployment to Iraq and remained in the Army through the Continuation on Active Duty (COAD) program.

By Emily Oehler, WTC Stratcom
I wrestled with how to open this blog. It kept coming out a bit like an odd joke – what do you get with one star, two birds, and four prosthetics? A change of command. But, it’s no joke; it was the inspiring transition of leadership at the Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) yesterday. BG Darryl Williams, Commanding General of the Warrior Transition Command (WTC), oversaw the outgoing AW2 Director COL Greg Gadson and incoming Director COL Tim Karcher—both double above the knee amputees due to combat in Iraq. Even COL Greg Gadson joked that it’s a sad state when the Army can’t find two colonels with both their legs.

For me the proudest moments were
•Getting goose bumps as Candice Barlow Jones sang the national anthem acapella  in her soulful, melodic voice to open the ceremony. Her interpretation came with an insider’s understanding of combat and brought that song to life in a new way for me.
•Looking at BG Williams, flanked on both sides by strong proven leaders who are stepping forward to continue to serve, even though they were stepping on titanium legs. Gadson stepping forward to lead as the incoming Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander, and Karcher to lead AW2—the program which supports the Army’s most severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and Families.
•Closing with Veterans, wounded, Soldiers, past AW2 directors, civilians, andcontractors alike united in the Army song—one team with one mission.

I was proud to be a part of such a landmark event and sincerely proud of my Army. I’m proud of an organization that stands by those who are injured in the line of duty, and then supports their long-term career with the option to continue to serve. As BG Williams stated, these two men were leaders before their injuries, and they still are—their careers were just interrupted while they recovered.

Check out the WUSA TV coverage of the event here.

2012 Warrior Games Opening Ceremony Honors Spirit of Athletes

Mrs. Michelle Obama shares a moment with the 2012 Warrior Games’ torch bearers, British Royal Marine Captain Simon Maxwell and retired Army 1LT Melissa Stockwell, on April 30, at the Olympic Training Center. (Photo by U.S. Army SSG Tracy J. Smith)

By SSG Tracy J. Smith, Fort Stewart Warrior Transition Unit
Mrs. Michelle Obama led the opening ceremony for the third annual Warrior Games at the U.S. Olympic Training Center on April 30.

The Warrior Games is comprised of seven sports; archery, cycling, sitting volleyball, shooting, swimming, track and field, and wheelchair basketball. More than 200 wounded, ill, or injured servicemembers from each branch of service and the U.S. Special Operations Command are competing. The games began with the opening ceremony and continue until May 5.

The ceremony celebrated the resilience of our nation’s wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers,  active duty, reservists, guardsmen, and Veterans  from all branches of military service. This year for the first time, our British allies brought 20-members to compete in exhibition games.

Mrs. Obama and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, GEN Martin E. Dempsey, applauded the competitors for their courage and for being inspirations.

“Every competitor here has faced adversity that most of us can never imagine,” Mrs. Obama said. “No matter how seriously you are injured, no matter what obstacles or setbacks you face, you just keep moving forward.”

Dempsey commended the service men and women for not succumbing to perceived disabilities.

“For me, these games embody the enduring resilience of our profession,” said Dempsey. “Your commitment to teamwork, and dedication to persevere at these games are the very same qualities that led you to serve our nation. Those qualities don’t go away.”

Retired Army 1LT and 2006 Beijing Paralympian, Melissa Stockwell, gives a celebratory fist pump after lighting the cauldron opening the 2012 Warrior Games at the Olympic Games Center.

Captain Simon Maxwell of the British Royal Marines and retired Army 1LT Melissa Stockwell shared the honor as torchbearers for the opening ceremony.  She was the first female Soldier to lose a limb in Iraq. Stockwell was awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart for the loss of her leg in 2004 by an insurgent’s bomb.  Maxwell was deployed to Helmand Province in Afghanistan in April 2011 where he served as a troop commander with Company L. He was wounded in August 2011, while on patrol resulting in the loss of his left leg below the knee.

Both adamantly profess finding a renewed sense of purpose because of their experiences. Stockwell uncovered her Olympian spirit during her rehabilitation at Walter Reed and represented her country in a different uniform during the 2008 Beijing Paralympics swim competition.

Other key speakers on hand to open the ceremony were Scott Blackmun, the U.S. Olympic Committee CEO, and Robin Lineberger, the Deloitte Federal Systems CEO.

The ceremony ended with the playing of each service song and a VIP reception for the athletes and Family members at the Olympic Training Center.

All of the athletic events are being held at the U.S. Air Force Academy, with the exception of shooting, which will take place at the training center.

Injured Women’s Veterans Study Provides Insight and Improvement in AW2 Advocate Care Coordination

By MAJ Faith Junghahn, AW2 Executive Officer
This past year, I had the amazing opportunity to present my graduate degree research study, Transitional Lifecycle Case Management for Injured Women Veterans Assigned to the Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2), at the 117th Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) Karen A. Rieder Research/Federal Nursing Poster Session.

My graduate research was a quality improvement review; a study focused on improving current practice standards. Based on the prescribed Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) non-medical case management categories AW2 Advocates reviewed of the women Veterans assigned to AW2 at the time intervals of six, 12, and 24 months during the woman Veteran’s transition and reintegration phases.

For my audit, I designed a logic model based on the Total Force Fitness and Donabedian’sModel of Quality, entitled the “Transitional Lifecycle Case Management Model.”   Using this model provides a unique way of trending the non-medical needs Soldiers and their Families in defining their path towards independence.  Having the model allows for the command and supervisors to report data to leadership and supporting entities in order to best market and obtain resources focused on the Soldier and their Families.

The purpose of the audit was to begin to understand quantitatively and qualitatively-identified transitional care gaps, as delineated by the CTP prescribed non-clinical case management categories, and injured women Veterans’ experiences assigned to AW2 during their transition from the Army to Veteran status.

My study identified a transitional care gap in the non-medical case management category “care coordination”. The gap noticed was in the AW2 Advocate establishing local networks of non-profit and community services that willingly assist medically retired Veterans reintegrating into their communities. I already had an awareness of this gap through my work with AW2, and the findings of my quality improvement study led me to develop an online WTC Resource Center with the assistance of the WTC G-6 SharePoint team and WTC Strategic Communications.

My team designed the resource page using the study model based on the six domains of the CTP: physical, emotional, social, Family, spiritual, and career. The transitional lifecycle case management model aligns the non-clinical case management categories to one on the six CTP domains. The resources are classified using CTP non-clinical categories and listed under the respective CTP domain.

My research and conclusions have demonstrated an unmet need to increase the availability and visibility of warrior care resources and information for severely wounded Veterans, especially women. The WTC Resource Center is structured aligning the resources and information under the comprehensive transition plan’s six domains. When establishing the individualized plan for identified CTP categories, the nurse case manager, squad leader, or AW2 Advocate can quickly discover those community resources closest to the Soldier that have reputably supported medically-retired Veterans’ path to independence within each respective domain.

As Soldiers, Veterans, and Families move from rehabilitation from injuries to reintegration into communities, they will most likely need a particular resource for a short time to meet a specific need. The long-term value of the resource or information resides in both the WTC Warrior Resource Center expanding to list a local network of support accessible by the Triad of Care and AW2 Advocates at military and Veteran facilities across the nation and overseas.

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