Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative – Phase II (PLI-II)

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See also: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Transformations for Enhanced Resilience (WATER) Project, Crosscutting Issues

Date of Operation: 2009 – 2013man working at the camel market

Primary Implementing Partner: Save the Children Consortium

Other Implementing Partners: CARE, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Mercy Corps

Regions of Operation: Afar, Oromia and Somali


Protect and strengthen the lives and livelihoods of pastoralists and ex-pastoralists.

Project Objectives:

  • Increase value and sales of livestock and non-livestock products through:
    • Improved livestock health services
    • Market chain analysis and support
    • Livelihoods diversification
    • Improving access to credit
  • Improve rangeland and water management through community mobilization and support to customary institutions, including peace building through a “do no harm” approach
  • Strengthen livestock-based early warning and response systems through establishment of community-based response funds and management systems
  • Institutionalize the early warning and response mechanism within the government system
  • Maximize project and policy impact through quality assessments, documentation and coordination


PLI-II activities directly contribute to USAID efforts to improve the performance of the Ethiopian agricultural sector and increase growth resiliency in rural Ethiopia. In the face of changing weather patterns and decreased rainfall, the program assists pastoralists in building greater resiliency through early warning systems and better management of resources.

PLI-II also supports biodiversity conservation activities, such as improving degraded natural resources through better natural resource management. USAID is partnering with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) to accomplish this goal, and PLI-II will develop a biodiversity monitoring tool to monitor the initiative’s progress and impact.

In addition, PLI-II also integrates PEPFAR funds to improve health services and access to HIV/AIDS education, awareness and services. PLI-II also incorporates maternal and child health services by focusing on prevention of HIV mother-to-child transmission, as well as care and treatment of HIV patients.

Expected Results:

  • Strengthened economic opportunities for pastoralists and ex-pastoralists
  • Supported policy initiatives to strengthen pastoral lives and protect pastoral livelihoods
  • Strengthened early warning systems (EWS)
  • Strengthened protective livelihoods based responses
  • Increased access to community-based health and HIV/AIDS services