Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Joint Emergency Operations Program (JEOP)

Date of Operation: 2008 – 2014

Primary Implementing Partner: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Other Implementing Partners: CARE, Food for the Hungry International (FHI), Hararghe Catholic Secretariat, Relief Society of Tigray (REST), Save the Children (SC), World Vision International (WVI)

Regions of Operation: Afar, Amhara, Dire Dawa, Oromiya, Somali, SNNP, and Tigray


Address the food needs of drought-affected populations

Project Objectives:

  • Undertake periodic assessments to determine people suffering from transitory food insecurity
  • Provide survival ration of food to people in need
  • Prevent further depletion of household assets
  • Reduce distress migration of an affected population


Productive Safety Net Program Graduation (PSNP GRAD)

Productive Safety Net Program Graduation with Resilience to Sustainable Development

Date of Operation: 2012 - 2016Bottle of Ethiopian organic honey

Primary Implementing Partner: CARE

Other Implementing Partners: Catholic Relief Services, Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA), Relief Society of Tigray (REST), Ethiopian Catholic Church-Social Development & Coordinating Office of Meki and Ziway, and Agri Service Ethiopia (ASE). Also Holland’s SNV is providing a technical advisor on value chains, and Tufts University will conduct evaluation and knowledge management.

Regions of Operation: 16 PSNP woredas are targeted for GRAD operations: Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray


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