Savings Bond Wizard - FAQs

Below you'll find a list of the most frequently asked questions about the Savings Bond Wizard®.

How do I transfer inventories I created in previous versions of the Wizard into the new Wizard?

How do I add a new bond to my inventory?

I see dashes in the date field rather than slashes (for example, 05-2002 rather than 05/2002). And, when I enter the issue date, an error message says it's not valid. What should I do?

I see a gray background screen rather than my inventory when I open the Wizard. When I select a report, I can see my inventory, but it still doesn't show on the main screen. What should I do?

My bonds with May or November issue dates show "NA" in the rate column. All my other bonds show the rate. What should I do?

I’m using Windows Vista and get an error message when I try to update my values or when I try to save my inventory file.

How can I get more help?

How do I transfer inventories I created in previous versions of the Wizard into the new Wizard?

  1. Open the Wizard
  2. Select "File" from the main menu bar.
  3. Select "Open."
  4. Find the folder where you saved your old inventory (usually c:\sbwizard\).
  5. Find the old inventory file and select "Open."

Note: Files transferred to the current version can't be opened in older versions of the Wizard because the file format is different. So, you may want to save a backup of your original inventory file until you've updated and re-saved it in the current version.

How do I add a new bond to my inventory?

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select the series (EE, I, HH, and the like.) from the "Series" drop-down box.
  2. Select the denomination ($50, $100,and so on.) from the "Denomination" drop-down box.
  3. Enter the serial number or other notation (such as, Gift from Mom) in the "Serial Number" field. This field is optional.
  4. Enter the six-digit issue date, without spaces or other punctuation (such as, for April 2005, enter 042005).
  5. After you enter the date, the Wizard will verify the information and will either add the bond to your inventory or display an error message.

Learn where to find this information on your bond.

I see dashes in the date field rather than slashes (for example, 05-2002 rather than 05/2002). And, when I enter the issue date, an error message says it's not valid. What should I do?

This problem was fixed in Wizard 4.01 and higher. Download the most recent version to correct the problem.

I see a gray background screen rather than my inventory when I open the Wizard. When I select a report, I can see my inventory, but it still doesn't show on the main screen. What should I do?

Your inventory files are probably minimized outside the scope of the main window. To fix it:

  1. Open the Wizard.
  2. Select "Window" from the main menu bar.
  3. Select "Cascade" or "Tile." Your inventory files will either open or show as icons at the bottom of the main screen.
  4. Select the icon to restore the inventory screen.

My bonds with May or November issue dates show "NA" in the rate column. All my other bonds show the rate. What should I do?

The Wizard must be updated every six months when new savings bond rates are announced. If it's not updated, you'll see "NA" in the rate column for bonds issued in May or November. Learn how to update the Wizard with the current earnings period values.

When the update is finished, change the "Price for" date of your inventory to 06/2003. This will force the inventory to recalculate. Then select the "Price For Today" button to bring the inventory back to today's date. The "NA" notation should be replaced with a valid rate.

I’m using Windows Vista and get an error message when I try to update my values or when I try to save my inventory file.

  1. Locate the Savings Bond Wizard icon on the Desktop.
  2. Right-click on the Savings Bond Wizard icon.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select "Properties."
  4. Click the Compatibility tab.
  5. Select the "Run This Program as an Administrator" check box.
  6. Select "OK" to save this change.

How can I get more help?

Savings Bond Wizard is a trademark of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt.