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NIH Research Matters

July 2011 Archive

JULY 25, 2011

Photo of a male baboon

The Benefits of Being a Beta Male

In male baboons, the highest-ranked males have higher stress levels than the second-ranking males. The finding suggests that life at the very top can be more costly than previously thought.

Photo of a multigenerational family.

Updates to Family History May Improve Cancer Screening

Family histories of cancer can change significantly between ages 30 and 50 and may warrant earlier or more intense cancer screening.

Photo of several asthma inhalers.

Placebo Improves Asthma Symptoms, But Not Lung Function

Placebo treatment may make asthma patients feel better but not actually lessen disease, according to a new study. The finding helps clarify the benefits and limitations of the placebo effect, and how doctors should measure successful treatment.

JULY 18, 2011

Photo of an older man talking with his doctor.

Comparing Treatments for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer

For some men with early-stage prostate cancer, short-term hormone therapy combined with radiation proved a more effective treatment than radiation therapy alone.

Photo of a yellow tape measure wrapped around a scale.

A Way to Burn More Calories?

Scientists have uncovered a pathway in mice that allows white fat—a contributor to obesity and type 2 diabetes—to burn calories as if it were brown fat or muscle.

Scanning electron micrograph shows red blood and other cells in a mouse liver.

Artificial Human Liver May Speed Drug Development

Scientists have devised an artificial human liver that, when implanted in mice, continues to make human proteins and break down certain drugs as the human liver would.

JULY 11, 2011

Photo of fresh fruit at a farmer’s market.

Certain Foods Linked to Long-term Weight Gain

A new study suggests that the types of food you choose, not just calories, are important for avoiding age-related weight gain.

Photo of a middle-age woman.

A Detailed Look at Ovarian Cancer

An analysis of genomic changes in ovarian cancer provides the most comprehensive and integrated view of cancer genetics for any cancer type to date.

Illustration shows an open artery with a yellow fatty deposit.

Using Light and Sound to Detect Artery Blockage

A new imaging method uses light and sound waves to spot fatty deposits within tissues. The technique holds promise for noninvasive detection of atherosclerosis.

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About NIH Research Matters

Harrison Wein, Ph.D., Editor
Vicki Contie, Assistant Editor

NIH Research Matters is a weekly update of NIH research highlights from the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health.

This page last reviewed on July 25, 2011

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