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Part 25—Foreign Acquisition

25.000 Scope of part.

25.001 General.

25.002 Applicability of subparts.

25.003 Definitions.

25.004 Reporting of acquisition of end products manufactured outside the United States.

Subpart 25.1—Buy American Act—Supplies

25.100 Scope of subpart.

25.101 General.

25.102 Policy.

25.103 Exceptions.

25.104 Nonavailable articles.

25.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.

Subpart 25.2—Buy American Act—Construction Materials

25.200 Scope of Subpart.

25.201 Policy.

25.202 Exceptions.

25.203 Preaward determinations.

25.204 Evaluating offers of foreign construction material.

25.205 Postaward determinations.

25.206 Noncompliance.

Subpart 25.3—Contracts Performed Outside the United States

25.301 Contractor personnel in a designated operational area or supporting a diplomatic or consular mission outside the United States.

25.301-1 Scope.

25.301-2 Government support.

25.301-3 Weapons.

25.301-4 Contract clause.

Subpart 25.4—Trade Agreements

25.400 Scope of subpart.

25.401 Exceptions.

25.402 General.

25.403 World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements.

25.404 Least developed countries.

25.405 Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative.

25.406 Israeli Trade Act.

25.407 Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.

25.408 Procedures.

Subpart 25.5—Evaluating Foreign Offers—Supply Contracts

25.501 General.

25.502 Application.

25.503 Group offers.

25.504 Evaluation examples.

25.504-1 Buy American Act.

25.504-2 WTO GPA/Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative/FTAs.

25.504-3 FTA/Israeli Trade Act.

25.504-4 Group award basis.

Subpart 25.6—American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—Buy American Act—Construction Materials

25.600 Scope of subpart.

25.601 Definitions.

25.602 Policy.

25.602-1 Section 1605 of the Recovery Act.

25.602-2 Buy American Act.

25.603 Exceptions.

25.604 Preaward determination concerning the inapplicability of section 1605 of the Recovery Act or the Buy American Act.

25.605 Evaluating offers of foreign construction material.

25.606 Postaward determinations.

25.607 Noncompliance.

Subpart 25.7—Prohibited Sources

25.700 Scope of subpart.

25.701 Restrictions administered by the Department of the Treasury on acquisitions of supplies or services from prohibited sources.

25.702 Prohibition on contracting with entities that conduct restricted business operations in Sudan.

25.702-1 Definitions.

25.702-2 Certification.

25.702-3 Remedies.

25.702-4 Waiver.

25.703 Prohibition on contracting with entities that engage in certain activities or transactions relating to Iran.

25.703-1 Definitions.

25.703-2 Iran Sanctions Act.

25.703-3 Prohibition on contracting with entities that export sensitive technology to Iran.

25.703-4 Waiver.

Subpart 25.8—Other International Agreements and Coordination

25.801 General.

25.802 Procedures.

Subpart 25.9—Customs and Duties

25.900 Scope of subpart.

25.901 Policy.

25.902 Procedures.

25.903 Exempted supplies.

Subpart 25.10—Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations

25.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.

25.1002 Use of foreign currency.

Subpart 25.11—Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses

25.1101 Acquisition of supplies.

25.1102 Acquisition of construction.

25.1103 Other provisions and clauses.

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