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Home > Missions > Civil Works > Recreation > Volunteer


The Corps of Engineers, as the steward of almost 12 million acres of land and water nationwide, offers many volunteer opportunities in recreation and natural resources management.

These nationwide opportunities include:

  • Trail building and maintenance

  • Being a Campground Host

  • Building Wildlife Habitats

  • Presenting Educational Programs

  • Writing and editing material for publication

  • Developing computer programs

  • Giving out information at a Visitor Center

  • Photography

  • Building and Maintaining Archery Ranges

  • Giving Interpretive Tours of Dam Sites

Visit the Volunteer Clearinghouse, or call 1-800-865-8337, for specific information on volunteer opportunities throughout the nation.

The Mobile District's recreation and natural resources projects are each unique and can offer volunteers a variety of experiences and opportuni- ties. Last year in the Mobile District, 7,841 volunteers donated 314,498 hours of service!

A few examples of volunteer activities in Mobile District include:

  • Trail maintenance
  • Distribution of water safety information in parks
  • Eagle Scout projects
  • Blue bird and bat box maintenance
  • Fishing programs for children and individuals with disabilities
  • Booth attendant at boat shows, fairs, and other community events
  • Filing, office tasks
  • Web design and programming
  • Park hosts
  • Bulletin board design and maintenance
  • Lake/Park cleanup events

Contact the volunteer coordinator at any of our projects  (see locations map and project links on the Recreation home page) to ask about volunteer opportunities.