Air quality forecasting has concluded for the 2012 season and will resume in May 2013.

Carpool or vanpool! By sharing the ride to and from work, you’ll help take vehicles off area roads, along with the related emissions that lead to poor air quality.
Take transit! Transit riders drive 4,400 fewer miles per year on average, and fewer miles traveled result in cleaner air.
Recycle printer cartridges and print two-sided copies when possible. You’ll help reduce pollution created during resource extraction, manufacturing and disposal.
Avoid excessive idling of your vehicle! Instead, plan your route to avoid traffic jams and construction zones, skip drive-thrus and turn off the engine when you have to wait to help reduce emissions.
Utilize reusable lunch and shopping bags, coffee cups, dinnerware and water bottles. You’ll help reduce pollution created during resource extraction, manufacturing and disposal.
Before you leave home, adjust the thermostat. You’ll conserve energy and reduce emissions from burning coal used to produce electricity.
Switch to florescent light bulbs. If every household replaced three, 60-watt incandescent bulbs, the reduction in pollution would be equal to talking 3.5 million cars off the road.
Turn off appliances and lights not in use. You’ll conserve energy and reduce emissions from burning coal used to produce electricity.
Walk to lunch or brown bag it. Cars emit the most pollution during short trips, so choosing to walk to lunch or bring in lunch helps reduce emissions.
Plant trees, shrubs and grasses around your home. The added shade will help lower air conditioning bills and the plants will absorb CO2.
Be sure to recycle copy paper, newspapers and drink containers. You’ll help conserve energy and reduce pollution and emissions created during resource extraction, manufacturing and disposal.
Use the energy-saving mode on office equipment and unplug power cords not in use. You’ll conserve energy and reduce emissions from burning coal used to produce electricity.
Replace old, inefficient appliances with Energy Star qualified appliances.

Click here for more tips.

Stop and think... Choices we make every day impact our air quality and the health of our region. It's true! The way we commute to work, the temperature setting in our homes, the way our office complex was designed and built all impact the amount of ozone forming emissions generated on any given day. The resulting air pollution has negative health effects and makes our region less attractive for business growth. Here you can find information about what we as a community can do to help reduce emissions that cause ground level ozone so we can improve our region's air quality.

Learn how you can go green and do your share for cleaner air.

air quality kitClick here to download our brochure, tips, air quality posters, payroll stuffers, air quality tweets, air quality facebook post and more in our Virtual Clean Air Tool Kit.