WTC HomepageSoldier Success Through Focused Commitment

Private Sector Employers

When Soldiers become wounded, ill, or injured, they often face a change in their career trajectory. Many are able to return to the force, either in their original position or a new position, but many separate from the Army. These Veterans are well-trained professionals who can become an asset to any organization and increase the organization's diversity.

What Is a Wounded Warrior?

There is no standard definition of a "wounded warrior." Today's servicemembers experience a wide range of injuries. Despite their injuries, many wounded warriors embrace their abilities and tackle accomplishments that the most able-bodied would not attempt. They have won Paralympic medals, completed triathlons and marathons, and climbed the world's tallest mountains. With minor accommodations, they usually adapt to the requirements of most jobs.

Benefits of Hiring a Wounded Warrior:

  1. Ability to learn new skills and concepts
  2. Strong leadership qualities
  3. Flexibility to work strongly in teams or work independently
  4. Diversity and strong interpersonal skills
  5. Ability to work efficiently and diligently in a fast-paced environment
  6. Respect for procedures and accountability
  7. Hands on experience with technology and globalization
  8. Strong personal integrity
  9. Strong sense of health, safety, and property standards
  10. Triumph over adversity

How to Advertise Available Positions

  • Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) Preferred Hiring Program
    AW2 will educate interested employers on the employment of wounded warriors and work with agencies to set up an expedited hiring process. To become an AW2 Preferred Employer, organizations must:
    • Identify a single point of contact for opportunities within the organization
    • Identify current job vacancies and/or educational opportunities for AW2 Veterans and their Families
    • Attend an AW2 New Employer Education Briefing (this may be conducted over the phone)
    • Identify mentors or sponsors within the organization to support the wounded warrior through his/her transition
    • Be willing to expedite the hiring process
    • Provide AW2 monthly updates on referrals made to the organization

     To contact AW2 about career and education opportunities, email

  • Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP): The Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) operates a portal for Employers Who Want To Hire Veterans External Link, Opens in New Window. After completing the ACAP online registration process, employers may post the link to their organization's website listing current job openings. Veterans and Soldiers who will soon separate from the Army are educated about this portal during their separation counseling.

Resources for Reasonable Accommodation

  • The Job Accommodation Network: The Job Accommodation Network External Link, Opens in New Window is a service of the Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy. This website provides information for both government and private sector employers seeking to accommodate employees with disabilities.
  • This government website External Link, Opens in New Window provides information on a wide variety of resources for accommodation, including computer and electronic equipment, accommodations for specific disabilities, and other topics.