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Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Mineral Resources > Online Spatial Data > Catalog > Topics > Elements > Chemical elements
Metal element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47 <>
This category is also used for Ag.

Results 1 - 10 of 37 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
1998 Assessment of undiscovered deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in the United States [New Window]
Estimates of the tonnages and amounts of contained metal in undiscovered deposits, mineral deposit types.
Quantitative mineral resource assessment of copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the Andes Mountains of South America [New Window]
Regional tracts of land where the geology is permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered porphyry copper deposits, with probabilistic estimates of undiscovered resources, along with tables of discovered deposits and prospects.
Geochemical analysis of soils and sediments, Coeur d'Alene drainage basin, Idaho: Sampling, analytical methods, and results [New Window]
Chemical composition of sediments and soils are of interest because of the potential for human and wildlife health impacts from high metal contents due to over 100 years of mining activity.
Local-area-enhanced, 2.5-meter resolution natural-color and color-infrared satellite-image mosaics of the Panjsher Valley mineral district in Afghanistan [New Window]
GeoTIFF rendition of locally enhanced ALOS image mosaics for this area known to contain emerald and silver-iron deposits.
Sediment-hosted zinc-lead deposits of the world - Database and grade and tonnage models [New Window]
This report provides information on sediment-hosted zinc-lead mineral deposits based on the geologic settings that are observed on regional geologic maps.
Aquatic assessment of the Ely Copper Mine Superfund site, Vershire, Vermont [New Window]
A wide variety of geochemical analyses show strong local impact on water quality in this area of historical copper mining.
Aqueous geochemical data from the analysis of stream-water samples collected in June and August 2008--Taylor Mountains 1:250,000- and Dillingham D-4 1:63,360-scale quadrangles, Alaska [New Window]
Measurements on 92 samples, including pH, conductivity, water temperature, major cation and anion concentrations, and trace-element concentrations.
Aqueous geochemical data from the analysis of stream-water samples collected in June and July 2006-Taylor Mountains 1:250,00-scale quadrangle, Alaska [New Window]
Analyses of 72 water samples include pH, conductivity, water temperature, major cation and anion concentrations, trace-element concentrations, and dissolved organic-carbon concentrations.
Compilation of mineral resource data for Mississippi Valley-Type and clastic-dominated sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits [New Window]
Global compilation of information on the sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits traditionally called sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits, including updated updated grade and tonnage data.
Data base for undiscovered deposits of base and precious metals [New Window]
Probabilistic estimates of the amounts of undiscovered gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in conventional types of mineral deposits in the United States.
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