USGS - science for a changing world

Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Mineral Resources > Online Spatial Data > Catalog > Topics > Elements > Chemical elements
Alkaline earth element with symbol Ba and atomic number 56 <>
This category is also used for Ba.

Results 1 - 10 of 24 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Geochemical and stable isotopic data on barren and mineralized drill core in the Devonian Popovich Formation, Screamer sector of the Betze-Post gold deposit, northern Carlin trend, Nevada [New Window]
Detailed chemical and isotopic analysis of host and associated rocks within an area that is currently the largest producer of gold in the US. Part of a study of the hydrothermal activity leading to the formation of these gold deposits.
Geochemistry of sediments in the US from the PLUTO database [New Window]
Geochemical data for unconsolidated sediments (stream sediments, lake sediments, etc.) collected in the US and analyzed by the USGS. These data were originally entered in the PLUTO database, which is now merged into the National Geochemistry Database.
Geochemistry of soils in the US from the PLUTO database [New Window]
Geochemical data for soils collected in the United States and analyzed by the USGS. The data were originally entered into the in-house PLUTO database. This is a subset of DDS-47.
Geochemistry of soils in the US from the RASS database [New Window]
Geochemical data for soils collected by USGS personnel and analyzed by the USGS. These data were originally entered into the Rock Analysis Storage System (RASS), a database that is now merged into the National Geochemistry Database.
Geochemistry of stream sediments in the US from the NURE-HSSR database [New Window]
National-scale geochemical analysis of stream sediments and soils in the US collected and analyzed under the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program.
Geochemistry of water samples in the US from the NURE-HSSR database [New Window]
National-scale geochemical analysis of water samples in the US collected and analyzed under the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program.
Geospatial database for regional environmental assessment of central Colorado [New Window]
Study focusing on the effects of historical mining on Forest Service lands in this area.
National Geochemical Database: Rock [New Window]
Geochemical analysis of rock samples collected and analyzed by the USGS. This dataset includes and supersedes rock data formerly released as "Geochemistry of igneous rocks in the US extracted from the PLUTO database"
National geochemical survey database [New Window]
National-scale geochemical analysis of stream sediments and soils in the US, from existing data, reanalysis of existing samples, and new sampling. Goal for sample density is one per 289 square km.
Aquatic assessment of the Ely Copper Mine Superfund site, Vershire, Vermont [New Window]
A wide variety of geochemical analyses show strong local impact on water quality in this area of historical copper mining.
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