Ambassador Donahoe Says HRC Vote Shows Growing Consensus that Assad has Lost Legitimacy to Govern

Vote Count at the HRC

Statement by Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe
U.S. Representative to the Human Rights Council (HRC)
On the Adoption by the HRC of a Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Syria

August 22, 2011

The passage today of the Human Rights Council resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Syria sends several important messages:

First, there is a very strong and growing consensus in the international community that Assad has lost legitimacy to govern and must step down.

The outcome manifests the extent to which he is now isolated.

Second, through this resolution, the international community sent a clear message to the Syrian people:  We will not stand by silently as innocent civilians and peaceful protesters are slaughtered by security forces.  We are working to ramp up pressure on the Syrian authorities to help ensure that the violence ends.

We have not been fooled by empty promises of reform and engagement.

Actions speak louder than words:   the continuing atrocities have sent a

loud and clear message to us all that Assad’s promises cannot be trusted.

The Commission of Inquiry established by the resolution will ensure that evidence of atrocities will be uncovered and those responsible will be identified and held accountable.

Today’s outcome is a victory for the Syrian people.

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