Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

Home  :: 2008 International RERTR Meeting  :: Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2008 RERTR Meeting

2008 International RERTR Meeting

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting

The “30th RERTR 2008 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” was held in Washington, D.C. USA from October 5-9, 2008. The available abstracts and papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below.

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Welcome to Washington and RERTR-2008

  • Welcome to the 30th Annual Meeting
    William Tobey, NNSA
    Yuri Sokolov, IAEA

Invited Presentations - International Perspective on 30 Years of HEU

  • S1-1 Reactor Conversion Program: From RERTR to GTRI
    A. Foley, Argonne
  • S1-2 Russian HEU Minimization
    Y. Busurin, Rosatom
  • S1-3 JAEA’s R&D Activities and Contribution to the RERTR Program
    S. Okada, JAEA
  • S1-4 Status of the Work Between Institute of Nuclear Physics of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and National Laboratories of U.S. Department of Energy
    U. Salikhbaev, INP
  • S1-5 30 Years of Argentine Collaboration to RERTR Program
    N. Boero, CNEA
  • S1-6 Spent Fuel Repatriation from the Budapest Research Reactor
    J. Gado, KFKI
  • S1-7 Elimination of the Use of HEU in Australia's Nuclear Facilities
    R. Cameron, ANSTO

Invited Presentations - HEU Minimization Support Programs

  • S2-1 An Overview of DOE/NNSA's Global Threat Reduction Initiative
    K. Sheely, NNSA
  • S2-2 GTRI Accomplishments and Plans for Removing and Disposing of Civilian HEU
    K. Cummins, NNSA
  • S2-3 Fuel Return Programs - Russia
    L. Yungerova, Rosatom
  • S2-4 Regulatory Drivers for Reactor Conversion and HEU Minimization
    T. Blount, NRC
  • S2-5 IAEA Cooperation with RERTR and Spent Fuel Return Programs: A Retrospective and Future Look
    P. Adelfang, I. Goldman, E. Bradley and D. Jinchuk, IAEA
  • S2-6 The Role of HEU Minimization in Reducing the Global Nuclear Dangers - The Norwegian Perspective
    O. Reistad, NRPA W. Beere, IFE
  • S2-7 Non-Proliferation Perspectives
    D. Blee, USTC

Invited Presentations - HEU Minimization Programs Overview and Experience

  • S3-1 The Focus of the GTRI Reactor Conversion Program in 2009
    P. Staples, NNSA
  • S3-2 Status of Conversion Activities at NECSA (South Africa)
    G. Ball, NECSA
  • S3-3 Status of GTRI Fuel Development Program
    D. Wachs, INL
  • S3-4 The Contribution of Bochvar Institute to the International RERTR Program
    A. Vatulin, VNIINM
  • S3-5 Overview of Conversion Plans and Perspective for Miniature Neutron Source Reactors (MNSR)-NIRR-1 Contributions
    S. Jonah, CERT
  • S3-6 Ongoing Activities at BR2 in the Framework of Conversion
    E. Koonen, SCK-CEN

Conversion Analysis

Fuel Development

  • S5-1 Research and Development of Very High Density Fuels
    S. Balart, J. D. Hermida, M. López, M. Mirandou, A. G. González
  • S5-2 The Status of Testing LEU U-Mo Full-Size IRT Type Fuel Elements and Mini-Elements in the MIR Reactor
    A.L. Izhutov, V.A. Starkov, V.V. Pimenov, V. Ye. Fedoseev, I.V. Dobrikova, A.V. Vatulin, V.B. Suprun, Ye. F. Kartashov, V.A. Lukichev,
    and V. M. Troyanov, A.A. Enin, D.V. Krylov
  • S5-3 INVAP's Achievements Using LEU
    J. P. Ordonez
  • S5-4 Fresh Fuel Characterization of U-Mo Alloys
    D. E. Burkes, D. M. Wachs, D. D. Keiser, J.-F. Jue, J. Gan, F. Rice, R. Prabhakaran, B. Miller and M. Okuniewski
  • S5-5 Swelling of U3Si2 During Irradiation
    Y. S. Kim, G. L. Hofman, J. Rest and A.B. Robinson
  • PS10-1 Non-destructive Evaluation Development for Monolithic Fuel Plates
    D. E. Burkes, D. D. Keiser and D. M. Wachs
  • PS10-2 Fabrication of Contoured Monolithic Foils
    N. Woolstenhulme, G. Moore, W. Swank, D. Haggard, and J. Wight
  • PS10-3 An Investigation on Very Large U-Mo Particle Arrayed Plate Type Fuel Available for High U-density of More than 8 g-U/cc
    C. K. Kim, H. J. Ryu, S. J. Jang, S. J. Oh and G. H. Choi
  • PS10-4 Fabrication of MTR-Sized High Loaded U-Mo Dispersion Fuel Plates
    M. J. Nilles and J. M. Wight
  • PS10-5 Powder Production of Uranium - Molybdenum - Metal Alloys Applying Hydride - Dehydride Methodology
    L. Olivares, J. Marin, J. Lisboa and H. Pesenti
  • PS10-6 Differential Thermal Analysis and Scanning Calorimetry Applied to the Study of the Stability of Some Gamma-UMo Based Alloys with Oxygen
    F. Branco Vaz de Oliveira, H. Gracher Riella and E. Urano Fontenelle de Carvalho
  • PS10-7 PIE Results of the KOMO-3 Fuels and the Future Irradiation Test Plan
    J. M. Park, H. J. Ryu, Y. S. Lee, S. J. Oh, C. K. Kim , B. O. Yoo, Y. H. Jung, C. G. Seo, C. S. Lee and H. T. Chae
  • PS10-8 Small-Scale Specimen Testing of Monolithic U-Mo Fuel Foils
    R. Prabhakaran, D. Burkes, D. Wachs, J. Cole and I. Charit
  • PS10-9 Analysis of Fission Gas Bubble Swelling in U-Mo Fuel
    J. Rest, G. L. Hofman and Y. S. Kim
  • PS10-10 Safety Basis Determination for U-Mo Monolithic and Dispersion Fuel Plates
    F. J. Rice, D. M. Wachs, P. A. Demkowicz, L. T. Cole
  • PS10-11 U.S. RERTR Fuel Development Post Irradiation Examination Techniques
    A. B. Robinson
  • PS10-12 Post Irradiation Examination of Modified Interface High Density Monolithic Fuel
    A. B. Robinson, D.E. Burkes and D. M. Wachs
  • PS10-13 Scrap Recovery Operations in the Fuel Fabrication Capacity
    D. Stepinski, L. Maggos, J. Swanson, J. Stevens and G. Vandegrift
  • PS10-14 Testing and Acceptance of Fuel Plates for RERTR Fuel Development Experiments
    J. M. Wight, G. A. Moore, S. C. Taylor, N. E. Woolstenhulme and S. T. McCormick
  • PS10-15 Radiation Effects on the Microstructure Stability of RERTR Fuels
    B. D. Miller, J. Gan, T. R. Allen, D. D. Keiser and D. M. Wachs
  • PS10-16 Y-12’s Role in Advanced Fuel Development
    R. Johnson, A. DeMint, and J. Gooch
  • PS10-17 The Electron-Microscopy Study of Barrier Coatings on the U-9% Mo Fuel Irradiated to 60% Burn Up
    O. A. Golosov, S. А. Аverin, M. S. Lyutikova, V. V. Shushlebin, V. М. Тroyanov, B. V. Popov, and G. А. Birzhevoy
  • S12-1 The Role of Friction Bonding in the RERTR-10B Experiment
    D. E. Burkes, N. P. Hallinan, M. D. Chapple, and J. Chapman
  • S12-2 Characterization of the Interaction Layer Between Decomposed UMO7 and Aluminum Using Micro-Focused XRD on a Single Particle
    H. Palancher, E. Welcomme, C. Sabathier, P. Martin, F. Mazaudier, C. Valot, S. Dubois, R. Tucoulou and P. Lemoine
  • S12-3 Characterization of Si-Rich Layers in As-Fabricated and As-Irradiated RERTR Dispersion Fuel Plates: Recent Results
    D. D. Keiser, J. F. Jue J. Gan, A. B. Robinson and B. D. Miller
  • S13-1 Irradiation Behavior of Atomized and Ground U(Mo) Dispersion Fuel
    A. Leenaers, S. Van Den Berghe, M. Ripert, J. Noirot, M.-C. Anselmet, P. Lemoine, A. Röhrmoser and W. Petry
  • S13-2 Post-Irradiation Analysis of U-Mo Miniplates Tested to Date
    G. L. Hofman, Y. S. Kim, J. Rest, T. Totev and A. B. Robinson
  • S13-3 LEU U3SI2 Fuel Manufacturing for MARIA Reactor (Poland)
    P. Colomb, L. Halle, G. Krzysztoszek, W. Mieleszczenko, F. J. Blom, F. Roelofs and C. J. J. Beemsterboe
  • S13-4 Update on Integral Performance Modeling of RERTR Experimental Fuel Plates
    P. Medvedev and Y. S. Kim
  • S13-5 Advances in the Characterization of Annealed Atomized UMo/Al Particles Using Synchrotron Radiation
    H. Palancher, E. Welcomme, P. Martin, C. Valot, P. Bleuet, R. Tucoulou and P. Lemoine
  • S16-1 Analyses on Interaction Products of U-Mo/Al-Si Dispersion Fuel for an Estimation of the Required Silicon Content
    H. J. Ryu, J. M. Park, C. K. Kim and Y. S. Kim
  • S16-2 Monolithic Fuel Fabrication Process Development at the INL
    G. A. Moore, F. J. Rice, N. E. Woolstenhulme, W. D.Swank, D. C. Haggard, J. F. Jue, B. H Park, S. E. Steffler, N. P. Hallinan, M. D. Chapple, and D. E. Burkes
  • S16-3 Production of Depleted U-10 Wt.% Mo Foils
    T. Muth and B. Oakley

Mo-99 Production

Minimization, Transportation and Fuel Disposition

2012 RERTR Meeting

The 2012 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2012) took place in Warsaw, Poland from Oct. 14-17, 2012..
For more information visit RERTR-2012.

Past Meetings docs


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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on June 19, 2012 10:12 +0200