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Military OneSource


Military OneSource                                       

How to use face-to-face counseling offered by Military OneSource.
Everyone needs a helping hand at one time or another. For service members and their families, coping with the ups and downs of a military lifestyle can sometimes seem especially overwhelming. That’s where Military OneSource can help -- with face-to-face counseling services offered through licensed civilian counselors in communities throughout the U.S.

Whether it’s adjusting to a return from deployment or dealing with a marital issue, Military OneSource counseling services are free to service members and their family members. Counseling professionals will help you develop personal solutions, goals, and plans. They will encourage you to build on your strengths, teach you to maximize your support systems, and help you find community resources to meet your needs. The services can be accessed by calling Military OneSource at 1-800-342-9647. When you call Military OneSource, a trained, master’s-level consultant will answer the phone and can provide a referral for face-to-face counseling.
How the counseling services work
Counseling services are available to service members and their eligible family members. Services are available in the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The counseling is designed to provide:

• Up to six sessions per issue. Each eligible service member or family member may be issued up to six sessions at no cost. A family member may seek counseling without the knowledge or consent of the service member. Because the sessions are issued to each eligible person, more than one member of a family may seek counseling.

• Help for short-term issues. The program provides counseling focused on short-term problem resolution. This type of counseling is helpful in addressing a wide variety of issues, including:
      - improving relationships at home and at work
      - stress management
      - adjustment issues, such as returning from a deployment
      - marital problems
      - parenting
      - combat stress
      - grief and loss issues

The counseling is not designed to deal with long-term issues, such as mental illness. Those in need of long-term treatment are referred to a Military Treatment Facility, TRICARE, or another health care provider in the community.


One of the best benefits of Military OneSource face-to-face counseling is privacy. Military OneSource counselors are licensed civilian counselors in the local community -- not on an installation. Counseling sessions are kept confidential, within certain guidelines. A Military OneSource consultant can explain the limits of confidentiality in more detail.

Connecting with a counselor

Military OneSource consultants are trained to assess the caller’s situation and refer the caller to a skilled civilian counselor. Consultants have access to a nationwide network of counselors and, when possible, most callers are referred to a counselor within a 30-mile radius. The consultant provides the caller with the counselor’s contact information and may offer to personally connect callers to the counselor’s office to schedule their first appointment. If the counselor does not work out for any reason, the caller may request a referral to another counselor in the area.

Military OneSource counselors

Military OneSource counselors are licensed, credentialed, and experienced, They also understand the military culture and its unique challenges.

Resources:  Your installation’s support services
Depending on your service branch, your Fleet and Family Support Center, Marine Corps Community Services, Airman and Family Readiness Center, or Army Community Service Center can provide you with additional information and counseling. Confidential counseling services also may be available on your installation through your unit’s chaplain.
Military OneSource
This free 24-hour service, provided by the Department of Defense, is available to all active duty, Guard, and Reserve members and their families.  Consultants provide information and make referrals on a wide range of issues. You can reach the program by telephone  at 1-800-342-9647 or through the Web site at  www.militaryonesource.com.