Unclassified Report on Benghazi Attack
Posted by on December 20, 2012
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It’s been three months since the attack on the Benghazi consulate that claimed four American lives, including the life of Ambassador Stevens. Since the attack I have pressed the State Department and the Obama Administration for answers. Earlier this week, they finally provided limited information on what happened. An independent panel concluded that there was “grossly inadequate” security at the compound. The report also concluded that the State Department displayed a “lack of proactive leadership” and that there was a “lack of ownership of Benghazi’s security issues.”  As a result, four lower level State Department officials have been relieved of their duties. 

To read the unclassified report click here

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  • Mark Pavlovich from Double Oak, TX commented on 12/21/2012
    Congressman Burgess - thank you for your timely emails with information and not 'fluff'. The Benghazi Attack is an example of "top management" not taking a leadership role. Having four lower level State Department officials relieved of their duties is NOT the answer. The answer is having personnel in the State Department leadership positions with an interest in getting the job done and not what the next political appointment might be awaiting them. What took so long for having the Secretary of State report on the action of her department? There is no excuses, affirmative action needs to be taken and immediate replacement of the Secretary is the very first step. Mark Pavlovich
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