Statement from Congresswoman Sewell in Response to Status of Inpatient Services at Cooper Green Hospital

Jan 4, 2013 Issues: Health Care

I am committed to protecting the health and well-being of our community and ensuring that everyone has access to quality affordable healthcare.  On October 26, 2012, I hosted a community forum at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church about the future of Cooper Green Hospital and inpatient services in Jefferson County. The purpose of the forum was to provide our community with an opportunity to discuss the future of Cooper Green and to gain a better understanding about the concerns and needs of those who depend on its services.  We also brought national attention to the issue and hosted Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network and host of ‘PoliticsNation’ on MSNBC at our forum.

The central issues raised at the forum were that the community needs clear, concise and regular communication about the future plans for Cooper Green.  Citizens want an opportunity to provide their input in developing the plan for the future of Cooper Green Hospital and in-patient services for the indigent in Jefferson County.

On November 19, 2012, I sent a letter to all of the Jefferson County Commissioners and Jefferson County Manager Tony Petelos sharing the concerns that were raised at the forum.  I asked the county to consider participating in a forum with me that will seek to address the community’s concerns and outline the transition to ensure that there is input, transparency and clear communication during this critical time. It is imperative that the next steps involved with the transition of inpatient services at Cooper Green are highlighted and that we hear suggestions and take questions about where patients will go to receive inpatient care and clinical services.  My staff and I have been in touch with my constituents affected by the closure of Cooper Green.  My staff attend weekly community meetings about this issue and are in touch with several of the County Commissioners, Jefferson County Manager Petelos and Otis Story, the County’s consultant, about this ongoing issue.

We stand on the shoulders of giants who fought, bled and died for our basic civil rights.  It is our charge to preserve, respect and honor that legacy by working collectively and in a bipartisan manner to ensure that everyone has access to quality affordable healthcare.


Contact: Nichole Francis;;      202.225.2665