Troops to Teachers (TTT)

Army Reserve: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet


Troops to Teachers (TTT) provides Referral Assistance and Counseling services to military personnel interested in beginning a second career in public education as a teacher. The TTT program helps eligible participants identify teacher certification requirements, programs leading to certification, and employment opportunities.


For Counseling and Referral Services:

  • Service: Current active duty Army Soldiers who separate with six or more years of service on or after October 1, 1990, with the last period of service deemed honorable are eligible for the program. Those selected for the program prior to retirement, separation, or release from active duty, may only continue to participate if the last period of service is characterized as honorable.
  • Education: The Soldier must hold a Baccalaureate or advanced degree from an accredited institution at the time of registration for referral to a teacher certification program or be licensed as a teacher for referral in that subject, OR have the equivalent of one year of college with six years of work experience in a vocational or technical field or meet state requirements for vocational/technical teacher referral.

For Financial Assistance:

Pending the availability of funds, qualified Service Members may receive financial assistance based on the following conditions:

  • Teach three years in a "high-need" district - Up to $5K for teacher certification expenses
  • Teach three years in a "high needs school", or a school serving in a high percentage of disadvantaged students - $10k bonus
  • Total amount received cannot exceed $10k
To qualify for financial assistance Army Reserve Soldiers on drilling status must meet the Referral education requirements and one of the conditions below:

  • Currently serving in the Army Reserve with 10 or more years of creditable service toward retirement and commit to serving an additional three years, or until retirement eligible.
  • Separated from the Army Reserve due to a physical disability on or after January 8, 2002. Must register within four years after separation.
  • Individuals transitioning from active duty on or after January 8, 2002, and have served six years on active duty immediately before separation, and commit to three years with a Selected Reserve unit. Must register within four years after separation.

Benefit Highlights:

Primary Objectives

The primary objective of TTT is to recruit quality teachers for schools that serve students from low-income families throughout America. TTT helps relieve teacher shortages, especially in critical subject areas, and assists military personnel in making successful transitions to second careers in teaching.

Program Functions

TTT assists eligible military personnel to transition to a new career as public school teachers in targeted schools. A network of State TTT offices provides participants with counseling and assistance regarding certification requirements, routes to state certification, and employment leads.

Pending the availability of funds, financial assistance may be provided to eligible individuals as stipends up to $5K to help pay for teacher certification costs or as bonuses of $10K to teach in schools serving a high percentage of students from low-income families. Participants who accept the stipend or bonus must agree to teach for three years in targeted schools in accordance with the authorizing legislation.


To register for TTT, go to and register online or download a registration form from the TTT homepage. Eligible Army personnel may register with TTT at any time. Counseling and information are available to all participants, however, financial assistance may not be provided to active duty personnel until one year prior to retirement.

Program Operation

TTT was established in 1994 as a Department of Defense Program. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 now authorizes TTT. The Department of Defense continues to operate Troops to Teachers providing program oversight and funding. The Defense Activity manages TTT for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES).

The Department of Education establishes the operating rules that govern the schools in which TTT participants who accept financial assistance may fulfill their three-year teaching obligation.

Additional Information:

For more information about the program including job referrals, resources, certifications, and job listings, please see the TTT website maintained by the Department of Defense:

For more information, please visit the TTT website maintained by the Department Of Education:

For additional information contact the state(s) you have an interest in at

Document Review Date: 7 August 2012