TRICARE Reserve Select

Army National Guard: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet


TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) provides qualified National Guard and Reserve members a premium-based healthcare plan, similar to TRICARE Standard and Extra, through payment of a monthly premium.


Army National Guard Soldiers on drilling status are eligible for TRICARE Reserve Select.

Benefit Highlights:

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) is available worldwide to most Selected Reserve (National Guard and Reserve) members and their Families when the military member is NOT on active duty orders or covered under the Transitional Assistance Management Program. To participate in TRS the military member must qualify for and purchase coverage. The payment of monthly premiums is required and failure to pay premiums on time may result in disenrollment and an enrollment lockout.

TRS offers comprehensive health care coverage that includes TRICARE's prescription drug coverage. Beneficiaries are able to visit any TRICARE-authorized provider or qualified host nation provider (if located overseas), and pay fewer out-of-pocket costs when choosing a provider in the TRICARE network (network providers are not available overseas). Under TRS, beneficiaries are able to utilize military treatment facilities (MTFs) on a space-available basis.

No referrals are required to seek specialized care but some types of care may require prior authorization. On some occasions you may be required to pay for health care services at the time they are received and then file for reimbursement, and submit health care insurance claims.

Enrollment in TRS is open; those who qualify can purchase coverage at any time of the year not just during an "open season".

The monthly premiums for TRS are as follows:

Type of Coverage 2012 2013
Member Only $54.35 per month $51.62 per month
Member and Family $192.89 per month $195.81 per month

Costs that apply to TRICARE Standard and TRICARE Extra apply to active duty Family Members (ADFMs) apply to all individuals (including the Guard/Reserve member) covered under TRS. Premiums are adjusted on an annual basis, effective January 1.

Status TRS E-1 - E-4 TRS E5 +
Deductibles $50 individual / $150 Family $150 individual / $300 Family
Cost Shares Network Provider: 15% of the negotiated rate. Non-network Provider: 20% of the TRICARE allowable charge Network Provider: 15% of the negotiated rate. Non-network Provider: 20% of the TRICARE allowable charge
Catastrophic Cap $1,000 per Family per fiscal year $1,000 per Family per fiscal year
Civilian Inpatient Cost Share Greater of $17.05* per day of $25 per admission Greater of $17.05* per day or $25 per admission
Civilian Inpatient Mental Health Greater of $20 per day or $25 admission Greater of $20 per day or $20 admission


*2012 prices

Additional Information:

For more information or to enroll:

TRICARE Information for Guard and Reserve Soldiers:

TRICARE DEERS Information:

Document Review Date: 30 April 2012