United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Health Care Upstate New York - VISN 2

VA Western New York Healthcare System Research Service

This web site is intended for VA Research staff.

VA Western New York Healthcare System has a strong affiliation with the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. This relationship provides numerous opportunities to engage in a variety of collaborative research activities with University Departments.

Major areas of research include:
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Behavioral Health
  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Endocrinology
  • Geriatric Psychology
  • Hypertension
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Surgery
  • Infectious Diseases including HIV
  • Studies involving Positron Emission Tomography
VA Western New York Healthcare System has a well-established history in conducting medical research. The implantable cardiac pacemaker was first developed at the Buffalo VA Medical Center starting in 1958 through a collaborative research effort involving Drs. William Chardack, Andrew Gage and engineer Wilson Greatbatch. Today, VA Western New York Healthcare System is nationally recognized for research work in the areas of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Much of the research conducted at VA VA Western New York Healthcare System is housed in a 40,000 square feet research building. The facility provides a variety of common-core equipment and services.

The Buffalo Institute for Medical Research, Inc. (BIMR) is a not-for-profit research corporation that was established to facilitate the conduct of approved medical research at VA Western New York Healthcare System. Support of these activities is facilitated through the receipt and distribution of research funds originating from non-Department of Veterans Affairs sources. BIMR administers all phases of research and related educational activities supported by its holdings.

About Research
Buffalo Institute For Medical Research (BIMR)
University at Buffalo Research*
Principal Investigators
Education and Training

Andrew Dunn, DC
Acting Associate Chief of Staff for Research & Development
(716) 862-6528
Shawn P. Gall, MBA
Administrative Officer for Research & Development
(716) 862-6527
VA Western New York Healthcare System
3495 Bailey Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215
(716) 862-6528

Grant Information
Grants Office LLC*
Small Business Grants**
NIH Request for Proposals**
VA Research & Development
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs**
Research Program Development: Grant Writing*
All About Grants Tutorials: NIAID Research Funding**

Training Resources
 Instructions for Human Research Protection Training
 Human Research Protection Training Announcements
 Learning Management System (LMS) Guidelines
VA requires annual training for all VA researchers and their staff involved in VA-approved research. NOTE: individuals with WOC (Without Compensation) appointments are VA employees.

The following courses must be completed and documentation must be provided to the research office with the submission of a protocol and then annually thereafter. Most courses are available through this webpage.

  1. CITI Courses:

    1. VA Human Subjects Protection & Good Clinical Practice and/or
    2. Animal Training

    Log on https://www.citiprogram.org/default.asp * – Due yearly by Date Last Completed 
    1. Click on Register for the CITI Course
    2. From the Veterans Affairs drop-down menu, select Buffalo-528
    3. Create user name and password and Submit
    4. Provide the information requested and proceed to the course

  2. VHA Privacy Policy Training (HIPAA) – Due by June 30

  3. Employees without VA computer access: https://www.ees-learning.net/librix/loginhtml.asp?v=librix*

    Employees with VA computer access: https://www.lms.va.gov/plateau/user/login.jsp

  4. VA Information Security (was Cyber Security) – Due by June 30

  5. Employees without VA computer access or who are not VA paid: https://www.ees-learning.net/librix/loginhtml.asp?v=librix* (complete the survey to print certificate)

    Employees with VA computer access: https://www.lms.va.gov/plateau/user/login.jsp

  6. VA Ethics Training

  7. Employees without VA computer access will need to come to the Research Office and watch the video.

    Employees with VA computer access: http://vaww.visn2.med.va.gov/emp/training/index.html Scroll down to the 6th section "Ethics in Health Care" then Print "my viewing history".

  8. VA Information Security 201 for Research and Development Personnel

  9. This course is only required once for staff who have contact directly with patients or personally identifiable data, all committee members and scientific reviewers.

    Employees without VA computer access or who are not VA paid: https://www.ees-learning.net/librix/loginhtml.asp?v=librix * (click on "Available Courses" and in the "Keywords" box type "Information Security 201 for Research and Development Personnel", click "Search")

    Employees with VA computer access: https://www.lms.va.gov/plateau/user/login.jsp
    1. Click on "Personal" tab if not already displayed
    2. Under "Catalog" click on "View all available online items"
    3. In the "Keywords" box type "Information Security 201" and click "Search"
    4. Click on the "Go to Content" for "Information Security 201 for Research and Development Personnel"
Please print all research education certificates. Keep a copy for your records and send copies to the VA Research Office, Mail Code #151 or fax to 862-6526 and provide a copy to your Principal Investigator.

Additional training may also be needed, as required by your responsibilities on the research protocol.

* Links will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked web sites. The link will open in a new window.

** Links will take you to another government agency outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site (VA). The link will open in a new window.