March 12, 2012

Myth vs. Fact: Setting the Record Straight about Historic Mortgage Servicing Settlement

On February 9, the Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, other federal agencies, and 49 state attorneys general announced the largest federal and state settlement agreement in history with the five major mortgage servicers for their mortgage servicing practices.  This $25 billion agreement is the most significant action to hold [...]

February 27, 2012

FHA Takes Additional Steps to Bolster Capital Reserves While Minimizing Cost to Borrowers

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Today, FHA announced a new premium structure for FHA-insured single family mortgages: as of this spring, the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP) will increase by 0.10 percent for loans under $625,500 and by 0.35 percent for loans above that amount;  and upfront premiums (UFMIP) will increase by 0.75 percent. While the new structure is expected [...]

January 30, 2012

Ending Housing Discrimination Against LGBT Americans

On Saturday, I was proud to speak before the 24th National Gay and Lesbian Task Force “Creating Change” Conference, where I announced the publication of a new Equal Access to Housing Rules that says clearly and unequivocally that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals and couples have the right to live where they choose. The need [...]

January 13, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to The HUDdle!

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It’s time to break out the party hats, balloons and the birthday cake (you can’t forget the cake!) to celebrate the 1st birthday of the Department’s official blog: The HUDdle.  A year ago on Sunday, HUD launched a new interactive blog to better serve you, our most important customer.  This is just one way HUD [...]

January 10, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Home of the day: Affordable senior housing complex nearing completion in Vernon Hills, IL. HUD announces 13 communities to receive Choice Neighborhood grants. Optimism on the housing market continues to rise. HUD awards grants to Union County, NJ to help aid the homeless. FHA’s new program will expedite affordable housing application process. And homeowners in [...]
