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Office of Policy

In an effort to strengthen the Agency's core competencies and achieve the President's vision of USAID as the world's premier development agency, USAID has taken several steps to rebuild and strengthen policy and strategy development.

In September 2010, President Obama issued the first-ever Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development (PPD-6), where the President outlined high-level principles to guide our international development policy and called for a new approach to how we plan and implement development assistance. In December 2010, Secretary of State Clinton issued the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), an unprecedented joint review of the mandates and capabilities of the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to ensure that these core elements of American civilian power work more effectively and in tandem to advance U.S. interests at home and abroad.

At the 1 year anniversary of the PPD, the Agency released the USAID Policy Framework 2011-2015, to provide our staff and partners worldwide with a clear sense of our core development priorities, translate the PPD and the QDDR into more detailed operational principals, and explain how we will apply these principals across our entire portfolio.

In addition, in close partnership with our missions and bureaus, we introduced a system of Policy Task Teams (PTTs) to produce Agency-wide policies and strategies on top Agency priorities. The process is led by small teams of experts drawn from across the Agency. The PTTs develop draft policies and strategies based on analysis and evidence before undergoing an extensive consultation process. These products clarify the Agency's corporate position in key areas and provide Agency-wide guidance to the field.

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