USGS Evening Public Lecture Series

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Click "Play" to start viewing, after a short interval the video should appear. If there is no live webcast being broadcast a "Stream not found: mplive" error message will be displayed.

The live stream usually begins 5 minutes before the start of the lecture on the day of the lecture at 7pm PST. If you missed the live stream we will post a recording of the lecture on the Current Season web page, usually on the following day.

Requires the Adobe Flash Player.

The live stream can also be viewed on Apple iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) and Android devices using the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) protocol. Not all iOS and Android OS devices support this protocol, so it may not be playable. To try to watch from these devices, tap on the iOS/Android icon below:

touch icon

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Page Contact Information: Amelia Barrales
Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 17:09:01 EST