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Environmental Assessment Checklist

Applicants and licensees, including tower owners, are required to comply with all of the Commission’s environmental rules, including 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307 and 47 C.F.R. § 1.1311 (i.e., “environmental information to be included in the environmental assessment (EA)”). If an applicant or licensee is required to file an EA with the Commission, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau will send “deficiency letters” to individual licensees and applicants who have submitted EAs with applications (i.e., a filed FCC Form 601 or FCC Form 854) that are deemed to be insufficient because they lack necessary information or documentation.

The following checklist is now used as an attachment to each deficiency letter to inform the licensee or applicant concerning compliance with 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307 of the Commission’s rules which requires them to determine whether a proposed tower or antenna structure may have a significant effect on the environment.

EA Deficiency Checklist
pdf - Word


Last reviewed/updated on 11/2/2007.

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