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Research Project Description

Department of Energy (DOE) Visiting Faculty Program (VFP)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

Project Description:

Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) Overview

The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP), formerly called Faculty and Student Teams (FaST), seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty members and their students at institutions historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand the workforce vital to the Department of Energy (DOE) mission areas.  As part of the program, selected university/college faculty members collaborate with DOE laboratory research staff on a research project of mutual interest. Faculty member participants may invite up to two students (one of which may be a graduate student) to participate in the research project.

The Visiting Faculty Program is sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science’s Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) in collaboration with the DOE laboratories.

Applications for the VFP are solicited annually for appointments to the Summer Term (May through August), which is 10 weeks in duration. Each of the 14 participating DOE laboratories offer different research opportunities (not all laboratories participate) and interested faculty members are encouraged to contact DOE laboratory scientists in advance to discuss research projects of mutual interest. Student participation is optional.

All VFP faculty applicants must submit at the time of application a research project proposal co-developed with the collaborating research staff located at the host DOE laboratory. Proposal guidance and requirements can be found at


Students and faculty may apply to any National Laboratory except to the one where an immediate family member is employed.

  • Visiting Faculty Program Eligibility

    Eligibility for the VFP requires that:

    Faculty Applicants:

    • Must be a United States Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien at the time of applying.  Proof of U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident Alien status will be requested at the time an appointment offer is accepted. Acceptable form of proof of U.S. Citizenship includes, but is not limited to, a Certified Birth Certificate, an U.S. State Government Issued Enhanced Drivers License, U.S. Passport, U.S. Passport Card, Naturalization Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship, Consular Report of Birth (of U.S. citizen) Abroad, or Certification of Birth. Permanent Resident Aliens must hold an active United States Permanent Resident Card.
    • Must be a full-time faculty member at an accredited U.S. degree granting, postsecondary, institution of higher education  historically underrepresented in the U.S. research community.
    • Must be a full-time faculty member in an area of physics, chemistry, biology (non-medical), mathematics, engineering, environmental sciences, materials sciences, or computer or computational sciences.

    Undergraduate Student Applicants:

    • Must be invited to participate by the applying faculty member.
    • Must be 18 years or older at the time the appointment begins.
    • Must

      How to Apply:

      Applications for the DOE VFP program are accepted on the Department of Energy website.  Visit for information on how to apply.

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