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3rd Annual Warrior Resilience Conference: Total Force Fitness

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Register now for DCoE’s Third Annual Warrior Resilience Conference and listen to keynote speaker Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen discuss Total Force Fitness, a joint strategic initiative and resilience cornerstone for achieving multidimensional and holistic fitness for service members. Download Conference Brochure here.

What: 3rd Annual Warrior Resilience Conference: Total Force Fitness

When: Feb. 7-8, 2011

Where: Hyatt Regency Crystal City
           Arlington, VA

Click here to register.

“Total Force Fitness is a state where mind and body is seen as one,” explained Mullen in his article, On Total Force Fitness in War and Peace. “It is a state where people, their families, and the organizations in which they serve are connected and thriving.”

The conference aims to increase leader awareness, especially line leaders, of Total Force Fitness and its applications. Conference attendees will be able to participate in sessions on various domains of the subject, gain practical training and tools, and share their thoughts and recommendations on how to apply this holistic approach to the field or any operational environment. Anyone in the military community is encouraged to attend.

“Total Force Fitness looks at the total concept of the warrior. In order for the modern day warrior to be combat ready he or she must be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually,” said Army Maj. Todd Yosick, DCoE’s Resilience and Prevention deputy director.

Check out an earlier post on the August 2010 edition of Military Medicine journal, Total Force Fitness for the 21st Century; A New Paradigm, which sheds light on the unique demands that service members have to combat to maintain mission readiness and personal wellbeing. Further, this edition introduces the eight essential domains for achieving multidimensional wholeness and balance to meet the challenges of changing environments: physical, environmental, medical, nutritional, psychological, spiritual, behavioral and social.

For more details or to participate in discussions about Total Force Fitness, join us at the Third Annual Warrior Resilience Conference Feb. 7-8, 2011. Conference and registration details can be found here. Don’t forget to share this information with others.

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