In Focus

3-D image of Type la supernova.10.29.12Article

Essential Ingredients for Discovery and Innovation

Exceptional supercomputers – including Titan, the world's most powerful machine for open science – and the just-announced INCITE Awards. Read More »

A factory machine in a lab 10.24.12FROM THE LABS

Training Your Robot the PaR-PaR WayExternal link

Berkeley Lab and JBEI Researchers Develop a Biology-Friendly Robot Programming Language. Read More »

The silvered dome of the Blanco 4-meter telescope which will hold the DECam at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. Lab Chat

#LabChat: What is Dark Energy? Oct 25 at 2pm ET

Join researchers from three Office of Science labs to learn more about dark energy, the mysterious and ubiquitous force driving the accelerating expansion of the universe. Read More »

Two scientists using The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).10.22.12Article

Batteries May Fade . . . But Research Renews

Pacific Northwest National Lab puts a new light on old batteries.

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Infrared thermal images of the floating water bridge setup at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. 10.18.12FROM THE LABS

Bright Lights and Liquid BridgesExternal link

Argonne Lab's Advanced Photon Source shows how floating water bridges defy gravity.

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People at the Office of Science booth 10.15.12FROM THE LABS

Adventures in Science and Explorations at BerkeleyExternal link

Thousands stopped by the Office of Science booth at Berkeley Lab's Open House. Click hereExternal link to view photos of the event.

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A snapshot of two men charging electric cars. 10.11.12Article

Energizing the FutureExternal link

Better batteries are being built at the Office of Science's Argonne National Lab. Read More »

2013 National Science Bowl 10.02.12From Programs

Registration Now Open for 2013 Science Bowl Teams

Today, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that registration is now open for the 2013 National Science Bowl (NSB) Read More »

In studying the MOF, the team used microscopes and other instruments at EMSL, a DOE scientific user facility at PNNL.09.26.12Article

Celebrating, Molecular Style

New molecule discovered by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory can expand to take in its metallic guests. Read More »

Argonne scientist Chris Benmore demonstrates his acoustic levitator, which could help to improve the efficiency and quality of pharmaceutical development. 09.20.12From the Labs

The Sound Science of Improved Drug DevelopmentExternal link

Argonne Lab uses acoustic levitation to make more effective medicines. Read More »

Last modified: 1/4/2013 12:20:40 PM