In the News

08.04.11Press Release

Department of Energy Relaunches Energy.Gov

New website offers localized data, resources to save energy and money
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08.01.11From the Labs

In Memoriam: John MarburgerExternal link

The Office of Science regrets the passing of a distinguished physicist, a former director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Science Advisor to the President.
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07.21.11From the Labs

Fermilab Experiment Discovers a Heavy Relative of the NeutronExternal link

Short-lived particle offers new insight into the formation of matter.
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07.20.11From the Labs

Brinkman Dedicates New ORNL Materials Research FacilityExternal link

Office of Science celebrates new space for building a brighter future.
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07.19.11Science News

Big Science: The Universe's Ten Most Epic ProjectsExternal link

Popular Science features several exciting projects at DOE's National Labs.
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Office of Science Announces the Early Career Research Program for FY 2012

Significant support will be awarded to outstanding scientists
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07.13.11From the Labs

Berkeley Lab's Iconic Dome Gets a New Roof—a Cool OneExternal link

Benefits of savings and safety will build for the lab's new project.
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07.12.11Science News

Powering InnovationExternal link

Energy Department's latest programs target critical energy challenges.
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National Laboratories and Universities Team up to Build a Community Systems Biology Knowledgebase

Computational approach seeks to mine growing mountain of data for new insights into biological solutions for energy and environment.
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Last modified: 9/9/2011 10:53:47 AM