Frequently Asked Questions

  1. May I have permission to use images, videos, text, or other site information?
  2. How do I get a kiosk at my aquarium, learning center?
  3. Can I submit my own video to the Ocean Today kiosk?

1. May I have permission to use images, videos, text or other site information?

Ocean Today content is a free resource that is created for the education of the public. Please share any of the content on our site by using the 'Share' button conveniently located on each page or by using a direct URL link to the page you would like to share. We also offer an <embed> button on each page which provides the html code for placing the video content within another web page.

Please do not take the videos and sell them [for example in curriculum for teachers], and please do not alter, transform, or build upon this work, but use it in its entirety, including all credits. If you elect to use materials from this website, please cite NOAA as the source, and include the appropriate URL of the page(s) from which the materials were taken.

2. How do I get a kiosk at my aquarium, learning center?

Please review the 'Technology' section on our site to make sure you are able to support the installation. If you can or have further questions please contact us with your name, location, and the date in which you would like to have your kiosk operational.

3. Can I submit my own video to the Ocean Today kiosk?

Story contributions can come from NOAA or from the greater ocean community. If you are a NOAA employee, contact the Ocean Today executive producer, who can put you in touch with your line office representative. If you are not from NOAA, please read our entire contributor guidelines.