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Corps faces change, but remains true to legacy

The Marine Corps is changing.

We’ve been landlocked in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly 10 years. We utilize equipment long after its life expectancy. We deploy at high operational tempos.

Even still, Marines have never veered far from one of their legacy missions – serving as America’s expeditionary force in readiness.

As commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen James Amos explained, Marines are a highly capable and “agile force that is comfortable operating at the high and low ends of the threat spectrum.”

Key to the development of these capabilities is acknowledging deficiencies and embracing our efficiencies.

More videos of Congressional hearings; The Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Joseph Dunford:

With Congress set to decide on defense budget proposals, the Marine Corps stands firm in our mission as America’s force in readiness.

It is a tough argument to dispute that the Marine Corps leads the charge when it comes to efficiency. For example, Marines from 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines in Afghanistan are thriving with new green technology. Their expeditionary forward operating base is unlike anything used by any other government agency in Afghanistan. Back home, the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twenty-Nine Palms, Calif., generates 58 percent of its own energy through solar power.

Other efficiencies are being developed too – from the Marine Corps force structure review, an evaluation that will take in to account all future fiscal and operational challenges.

End strength of the Marine Corps is top on the list.

More videos of Congressional hearings; The Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Joseph Dunford:

True to our heritage, traditions and culture, the Corps will continue to be America’s premier Expeditionary Force, ready to protect our nation’s interests on the battlefield and beyond.

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  • Petey2810

    Dealing with challenges is nothing new to the Corps. In fact, we as Marines have always openly welcomed challenges because we are aggressive and confident that whatever comes our way is not too much for us to handle. This situation is no different. We will continue to hold true to our values and uphold the legacy of the Corps. It’s just who we are and what we do….Really, It’s all about how we decide, as leaders, to handle the situation.

  • R.T. Lopez

    Congress should consider the role that the Marine Corps plays in the big picture. Would we have been able to accomplish many of the things we did in Iraq or Afghanistan without the Corps? Congress likes to downplay the major accomplishments of the Corps and tends to trip over itself to bestow praise on the Army. Once again they will make the Commandant and the Corps itself out to be an unnecessary expense. This will only make the Corps stronger as it has since it’s inception. Marines believe in themselves and their Corps, we are used to doing more with less and making it look easy. Someone needs to wake the lawmakers and budget slashers up and make them realize when it’s time to look past the cost and weigh the true benefits of the programs they intend to slash. We cannot allow other nations to possess advanced military equipment that is superior to our own. It’s too bad our governing body can be so blind and naive.

  • gandaia95

    go away gates

  • gandaia95

    aye just go away gates

  • Lizz

    Semper Fi
    There is no such thing as an X Marine…..I served when we were still referred to as WM’s (Women Marines) and my father served over 30 years, served in Vietnam, there is no difference in the pride we both felt having been and still are United States Marine….It is nice to know that both men and women are Marines…this was a major change in the face of the Corps……..I really enjoyed your site

  • Sgt. Stryker

    Maybe all of our budget is going to helping the Chinese develop new stealth jet fighters? Read my links below, and if it doesnt make your head exlpode you aren’t American and need to be either discharged or deported.

    the Chinese plane and our american F-22 (which appears later in that video) look a bit similar dont they? I wonder why that is.Maybe we can use some more taxpayer money to secure our top secret data from cyber attacks? I will continue by listing several more frivolous defense expenditures I have noticed recently

    The dozens of 100 million dollar barracks being built around the marine corps ( if you work on pendleton you know what I am talking about)

    The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle

    The infantry automatic rifle

    The civillian police force doing a job MP’s can do

    Maybe if we want these programs, we can just trim some off the army’s side by cutting decade-long failed projects like the land warrior system? Refer below

    the 31st meu

    Maybe we can devote some of this cash to actually securing our borders so we wouldnt have to concern ourselves with what everyone else is doing? But if they wanted to do that, it couldve been done years ago, trouble is, they dont want to.

    Dear President Obama, theres no more a “shovel- ready” job to give some “stimulus” on Earth than building 2000 miles worth of fence. Take note.

    thanks for listening

  • DanAco1028

    Secretary of Defense Gates is nothing more than a yes man. It’s time for him to retire.

    Don’t go away mad…..just go away. And take Admiral Mullen with you.

  • James A Roop

    The Marines have done so much with so little we can do absolutely anything with nothing.
    SGT James A Roop 1965-1971

  • Darrell Williams

    The U.S, Marine corps are the first ones in and the last ones out, They leave no man behind.
    They are trained to be mean pit bull dogs with extra sharp teeth. Leave the marines alone they don’t need to be messed with.