Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide vital Installation support, quality customer service, and necessary programs to meet the needs of our Soldiers, Civilians, and their Families who live and work within the Bavaria Military Community (BMC), while ensuring good stewardship of the resources entrusted to us by the American People.  

Vision Statement

A diverse team of professionals dedicated to serving Soldiers, Civilians, and Families of the Bavaria Military Community; the IMCOM standard for sustainable quality services and infrastructure; the model for customer service, innovation, safety, well being, and readiness; a place that offers diverse opportunities for all community members to grow personally and professionally.

Commander's Keys to Success

To Ensure Successful Restructuring , Consolidation and Transformation:

-Provide and Standardize Quality Customer Service (INTERNALIZE)
-Capture and Share Best Practices (INNOVATE)
-Manage Customer Expectations (COMMUNICATE)






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