Multinational Training at Grafenwoehr

Staff Judge Advocate

Contact JMTC SJA Office

DSN: (314) 475-8446

CIV: +49(0)9641-83-8446


oSJA Mission

Welcome to the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command (JMTC) Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA), the legal office that supports the command and the community -- Soldiers, civilian employees, contractors, and their families -- at Headquarters, 7th Army JMTC and in Bavaria.

OSJA offers a broad range of services, including legal assistance (e.g., family matters, landlord-tenant issues, wills), claims for damaged or destroyed household goods and automobiles, and electronic filing of tax returns.


Please note: All tax center offices in Bavaria close on September 28, 2012 and re-open on Feb 1, 2013, for the year's tax season.

Osja sections

Osja Branch Offices

What is JMTC?

Headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany, the 7th Army JMTC is the largest training command outside the continental United States. Our vast ranges, simulation centers, classrooms and facilities provide realistic and relevant training to U.S. Army, Joint Service, NATO and allied units and leaders.

Training Journal

Last updated January 28, 2013