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Reserve Affairs

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Office Symbol: AFSO-HRR
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-6048
DSN Phone: 421-6688/6048
Fax:  (210) 295-6089


Mission Statement:


The DCSAR Office serves as the primary liaison to US Army South for the Army Reserve through coordination with Office Chief of Army Reserve (OCAR), United States Army Reserve Command (USARC), Army Reserve Personnel Command (AR-PERSCOM), Major Army Commands, USAR Regional Readiness Commands (RRC), and US Army South Command (USSOUTHCOM) to provide trained and ready Reserve Soldiers with the critical Combat Service Support (CSS) and Combat Support (CS) capabilities necessary for the execution and support of US Army South missions, exercises, and contingency operations in theater.

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