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Economic Growth Program Overview

Intermediate Results:
1)    Improved Agricultural Productivity relates to regional food policy analysis and the
development and dissemination of research on improved crops.
2)    Increased Trade addresses increasing trade capacity in strategic value chains, improving the efficiency of targeted trade corridors, and promoting sound regional trade policy in the region. If the Mission can promote improved agricultural productivity and increased trade with an emphasis on agriculture, then the Southern Africa region should experience sustainable economic growth, based on the premise that an efficient flow of goods and services that accounts for the long-term sustainability of resources needed for growth will advance overall quality of living through increased prosperity
3)    Integration of Climate Change into Policy and Decision Making focuses on strengthening regional capacity for utilization of clean energy technologies and expanding key stakeholder capacities to adapt to anticipated climatic changes.
4)   Improved Management of Transboundary Natural Resources addresses improving capacity for sustainable use of water and decreasing threats to biological diversity, both critical natural assets that support economic well-being and prosperity in the region.
     Geographic Focus: Trade and agricultural productivity activities will prioritize trade corridors that serve primarily the three Feed the Future focus countries: Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. Priority will be given to the East-West corridors that connect these countries to other Southern African nations and that connect with the North-South corridor that already has significant donor attention. Targeted corridors will also link to work conducted by USAID/East Africa. Environmental activities will focus on priority transboundary areas where multi-national cooperation is necessary to ensure sound natural resource management and avoidance of future conflicts, and where climate change impacts are expected to have more profound effects on vulnerable ecosystems and human populations, including the Okavango and Limpopo River Basins.
