Tebow Time

I don’t know about you, Fort Meade — technically it should be Team Meade, according to Sergeant Major — but it’s been crazy busy lately.Between proceedings, town hall meetings and meeting with the Baltimore Orioles (Actually, meeting Mr. Peter Angelos was epic. His Caddie was icy, and talking about the prospect of signing Prince Fielder was sort of surreal), things are moving.

School’s not helping the situation either. One paper here, an oral presentation there, a 25-page rhetorical analysis due next week …

What I’m trying to say is I hope you understand why I wasn’t able to provide your weekly dose of Jibber last week.

Trust me, I was working on it. But as one meeting turned into another, which turned into a Commander’s Call last Wednesday morning, I knew that the half a page I already wrote was never going to make it to the press.

My biggest concern, outside of letting down the tens of you who read this column in print or online, was that my topic would turn stale and I’d have to write about the world’s greatest manhug Cousin Claw and I shared after Michigan beat Ohio. Or, the despair of being out of the fantasy football playoffs for the first time in half a decade. Or, how the Cowboys found another way to lose. I also could have written truth to power one more time about how overrated the Army-Navy game is in regard to sports rivalries.

Football in the spotlightFortunately, my topic didn’t go stale because Tim Tebow keeps on winning.

Part of me can’t help but think that if Tebow wasn’t white, didn’t believe in God and wasn’t so dang wholesome, then the only thing anyone would care about in regard to his play this season is the fact that he’s 6-1. Especially when you consider that before Tebow Time hit Denver, the Broncos were 1-4 and sitting in the proverbial saddle moseying on down that painful trail toward the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. A dusty road filled with losses, despair, bunches of lowlights and a whole lot of ugly.

But for some reason, maybe even those mentioned above, all that critics tend to notice is how ugly Tebow looks while winning — as if there has ever been such a thing in the “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing” NFL.

Yes, the dude has won games completing two more passes than everybody watching. Yes, he is probably the only QB on an NFL roster who wouldn’t win his girlfriend the overstuffed panda at the carnival because he couldn’t knock over the three little milk bottles. And yes, his throwing motion makes me think of a whooping crane trying to wrap its wing around whatever a crane may hug. Maybe its mate.

But here are facts: In the nearly two seasons that Tebow has been in Denver, the Broncos are 7-3 in games he’s played in and 4-14 in games he hasn’t.

The only quarterbacks who have won six out of seven games this season are Aaron Rodgers and Tim Tebow. In seven games, Tebow has only thrown one interception. Rodgers has thrown two interceptions in his last three games.

During the streak, Denver is 5-0 on the road and has beaten every team in the AFC West.

And last week, when Denver’s defense was porous and he only ran the ball four times, Tebow — whooping-crane motion and all — threw for 200 yards and led his team to another win.

But instead of talking about all of that, his haters, most notably his own boss, John Elway, have brought up some nonsense about his style not being sustainable in the NFL.

That’s just low.

And just wait until Tebow loses. That’s when the hard-core hating will really begin and we’ll have to watch all those critics sit back and say, “I told you so.” Even worse, Elway will talk about the need to draft a quarterback.

I get not wanting someone to steal your legacy, but come on John. Now you’re just being a jerk!

And I’m not just talking about the passive-aggressive hating either. Elway has done some hands-on hating as well. Did you know he gave up Tebow’s best offensive player, receiver Eddie Royal, the same week Denver was forced to give Tim his first start this season? Who does that?

But a warning to all you haters, John included: Tim’s getting better, and even though he’s going to lose because everybody does, his track record suggests it won’t happen often.

Then you’ll just be left looking stupid.

If you have comments on this or anything to do with sports, contact me at chad.t.jones.civ@mail.mil.

This Fort Meade Live blog was written by Chad Jones, Fort Meade public affairs officer.

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