Policy Memorandum #02

Installation Outprocessing

IMHM-HR                                                                                               1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #2, Installation Outprocessing

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Human Resources.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3. References. 

 a. AR 600-8-101, Personnel Processing (In, Out, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment Processing), 18 Jul 03.

 b. DA Form 137-1, Unit Clearance Record, Jun 03.

 c. DA Form 137-2, Installation Clearance Record, Jun 10.  

4. Applicability.  This policy memo applies to all US Army Soldiers/Civilian personnel assigned to USAG Humphreys/Area III as permanent party, or those attached to units stationed on, or located within the USAG Humphreys/Area III geographical area.

5. Purpose.  To establish policies and procedures, assign responsibilities, and provide installation guidance for outprocessing US Army Soldiers and Civilian employees assigned to USAG Humphreys/Area III installations.  

6. General.

 a. Outprocessing.  Installation clearance procedures should ensure outgoing personnel clear all required agencies and have made arrangements to settle all obligations prior to separation, retirement, transfer or movement to the next duty station.

 b. Those agencies that require military personnel to in and outprocess at their activities are required to review the content of this policy and develop processing procedures. Changes in location and hours of operation for outprocessing should be reported to the Military Personnel Division (MPD), USAG Humphreys/Area III Outprocessing Activity to ensure that outgoing personnel are not inconvenienced. 

7. Responsibilities.

 a. The Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) has the responsibility to plan, coordinate, and supervise the outprocessing activities of Army Soldiers who live and/ or work in USAG- Humphreys/ Area III.

 b. The USAG Humphreys/Area III Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) has responsibility for planning, coordinating, and supervising the outprocessing activities of Army Civilians assigned to units in USAG Humphreys/Area III.

 c. The USAG Humphreys/Area III MPD will ensure the Brigade S1 has conducted military personnel records screening and updates for all outprocessing Soldiers and has signed them out, as required. The MPD will coordinate with tenant activities which must be outprocessed to ensure accuracy of hours of operation and location for outprocessing.

 d. The MSC Commanders and Directors will ensure unit procedures are implemented to support USFK installation Outprocessing requirements and inform assigned Soldiers of their individual responsibilities for outprocessing. 

 e. The Transition Center will provide retirement processing services for active duty Soldiers and retirement counseling services for retirees within the USAG Humphreys/ Area III geographical area.

 f. The Department of Public Works (DPW) will ensure that E6s and above also clear DPW’s Real Property Division in order to turn over accountability of assigned real property. 

 g. Duty uniform will be worn by all Soldiers during outprocessing, without exception. 
Pregeant soldiers that are separating out of the military may have to turn in their uniforms while clearing.  The Soldier’s company commander can modify the dress requirement for pregnant Soldiers in this situation. 

8. Outprocessing Procedures.

 a. All US Soldiers will outprocess agencies outlined below utilizing DA Form 137-1-R, Unit Clearance Record, and DA Form 137-2, Installation Clearance Record, June 2010.   All Soldiers must update their forwarding address at https://sms.korea.army.mil/

 b. Soldiers with approved ITT will report to their respective Installation Outprocessing Center to outprocess prior to reporting to their new unit of assignment.

 c. Installation Outprocessing Center will schedule out processing briefings or appointments for Soldiers departing Korea no earlier than ten duty days prior to their AVAL (DEROS) date.  At that time, Soldiers will be issued their installation clearing papers ten duty days (including Thursday Sergeants Time days) prior to their AVAL (DEROS) date.  Soldiers must have their PCS orders, DA 31 leave form, DA 137-1 Unit Clearance Record before they will be issued installation clearing papers.  Weekends, U.S. Holidays, and USFK Training Holidays are not considered clearing days.

 d. Final outprocessing appointments will be scheduled no earlier than two days prior to the anticipated departure flight date.

 e. Battalion/unit outprocessing will be completed and signed by the unit commander or representative prior to the final outprocessing appointment.

 f. Soldiers are not relieved of duties assigned by their units during outprocessing.

 g. Soldiers must have completed and have the following items with them in order to obtain their Installation Final Outprocessing Stamp:

  (1)  DA Form 31 - Approved leave form, signed by the Unit Commander (or Battalion Commander (O5) or higher if Soldier is taking leave in excess of 30 days or permissive TDY).  DA Form 31 must have a control number.

  (2)  DA Form 137-1-R - Unit clearance papers signed by the Unit Commander (prior to final out) indicating the Soldier has outprocessed the unit before reporting to MPD.

  (3)  PCS, separation or retirement orders with all amendments intact.

  (4)  Finance clearance stamp.

  (5)  The MPD will issue Soldiers an installation clearance sheet containing a listing of installation activities that must be cleared prior to receiving final approval for outprocessing.  Soldiers must clear all these activities prior to departure from Korea.

 h. Civilian employees will report to the CPAC for outprocessing checklists and will clear the CPAC prior to departure from the Republic of Korea.

9. Point of contact for this policy is Directorate of Human Resources at 753-6736 or 753-8618.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF


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