Housing, Pet Privileges

With the privilege of owning a pet, comes the responsibility not only to protect and properly care for the animal, but also to preserve and protect the safety and welfare of the community at large. It is the policy of this command that private property rights are subordinate to the public’s right to be safe and free from nuisances.

This applies to Army Family Housing ONLY.  UPH Housing is not authorized pets

With the privilege of owning a pet, comes the responsibility not only to protect and properly care for the animal, but also to preserve and protect the safety and welfare of the community at large. It is the policy of this command that private property rights are subordinate to the public’s right to be safe and free from nuisances. No exotic pets or barnyard type animals will be allowed. Pet ownership in Family Housing may include two (2) pets (cats, dogs or ferrets), up to four (4) small caged animals or birds and/or an aquarium not to exceed 50 gallons in size.  Dogs are restricted to one (1) medium/large or two (2) small dogs.  A small dog is a dog that measures 12 inches or less at the shoulder.

All pets will be registered with the servicing installation veterinary treatment facility within ten days after arrival or acquisition Registration must be renewed annually. A registration tag must be worn by the pet at all times. De-registration will be accomplished as a part of normal clearing procedures.

Residents who have a pet(s) while residing in Army Family Housing shall allow unannounced inspections by representatives of the Installation Commander, Housing Office, Military Police, and veterinary personnel.

Prior to final inspection, residents will have the housing unit and the government provided furniture professionally cleaned and deloused/disinfected. The housing office will provide a list of certified professional cleaners. All costs associated with preparing the unit for termination will be borne by the resident. No exceptions will be granted. Residents who fail to have the unit professionally cleaned will not pass the final inspection, will not clear the installation, will not be authorized to draw Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA), will be charged for cleaning and delousing/disinfecting the quarters, and may face disciplinary action.

Loss of Pet Privileges
Residents will lose the privilege of being assigned government furnishings and housing, and will lose the privilege of having a pet in government owned housing, if found to be in violation of this policy or other regulations governing occupancy of family housing. The resident will reimburse the government for all damages and repairs and may face disciplinary action. A resident who loses his/her housing privilege shall either initiate an early return of dependents for his/her family and pet(s), or reside off-post at personal convenience and receive no furniture or appliance support.

Dangerous Animals
Any animal capable of inflicting injuries. The installation commander or his representative may designate an animal as dangerous based upon the actions of that animal or the owner. The Provost Marshal’s Office is responsible for maintaining records and complaints made against the owner of unruly pets and will provide the housing office a copy for its records. A pet may be declared dangerous or a nuisance after documented attacks. However, a pet involved in any bite or scratch incident that breaks the skin or an attack that is of an aggressive nature may be declared dangerous by the installation commander. Where no other measures will satisfactorily protect the community, the installation commander may order the dangerous animal to be destroyed after giving notice to the resident. In all cases whereby a pet is ordered to be destroyed, the resident will immediately remove the pet from the quarters and/or the installation.

Leash Law
Pet(s) will be on a leash at all times when outside the housing unit. If the pet(s) is taken outside the housing unit, it must be accompanied by a member of the resident’s household who is capable of controlling it at all times. Cats will not be allowed to roam uncontrolled and must be on a leash with outside of the housing unit.

Fecal Droppings
Residents shall clean up the waste left by their pet(s) during their walks and ensure that common areas are not littered with fecal droppings. All feces will be disposed in sealed plastic bags (preferably double bagged) which will be placed in garbage receptacles.

Nuisance Animals/Barking/Howling
Any animal roaming free, defecating on common areas, barking at all hours of the day or night or getting into trash containers is considered a nuisance animal. The installation commander may declare a pet as being a nuisance pet. Once declared a nuisance pet, the owner will take immediate action to remove the pet from the quarters. All allegations of nuisance must be verified by the military police. Dog(s) will not be allowed to bark or howl excessively, or otherwise create a disturbance.

Insect Infestation
Any spread of disease or insect infestation, to include fleas, ticks, lice, etc., shall be promptly reported toe the veterinary treatment facility or Director of Public Works (DPW). All costs associated with delousing and disinfecting the quarters shall be borne by the resident.
Stray Animals Feral and/or stray animals will not be fed by installation residents or employees.
Breeding of Pets Breeding or raising pet(s) for commercial purposes for sale or profit in government quarters is prohibited.

Pet(s) will not be abandoned. All stray animals on the installation will be apprehended by the Military Police and impounded at the servicing veterinary treatment facility. Stray or abandoned animals and pets not claimed within a reasonable time (no more than three working days) will be considered nuisance animals and will be disposed of. Under no circumstances will any pet be abandoned wither on or off military installations.

Balconies/Pet Houses
Balconies will not be used to kennel or house pet(s). Use of the balcony for fecal droppings is prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of quarters. Pet houses, chains, or feeding utensils are prohibited on balconies.

Animal Neglect/Abuse
Animal neglect and/or abuse are prohibited. Care of animals which does not meet reasonable humane standards as determined by the veterinarian will be considered animal neglect or abuse. Any cruel or unnecessarily harsh treatment will be considered abuse and the resident will be subject to disciplinary action.

While a resident is under a neglect/abuse investigation, no additional animals will be allowed in the household. Personnel determined to be guilty of animal neglect or abuse may be permanently denied the privilege of keeping a pet on the installation and may lose their housing privileges.

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Date created: 11/30/2010 4:17:29 PM
Date last updated: 11/22/2011 10:23:58 AM