Energy & Water Management Program

USAG Red Cloud Energy & Water Management Program

Top Ten Things You Can Do to Save Energy and Water

1. Turn off Computer Monitors everyday when not in use.

2. Stop idling government vehicles when unattended or waiting for more than 30 seconds.

3. Turn off interior lights in all unoccupied areas, even if you intend to return immediately.

4. Turn off scanners, copiers, faxes, printers, and other equipment not set for sleep mode.

5. Turn off voltage Transformers when not in use at home or work.

6. Turn off outside lights during the day.

7. Replace T-12 lamps with T-8 lamps that has electronic ballast.

8. Install or replace all weather stripping on entry ways where you see gap or day light.

9. Eliminate and remove all extra appliance that serves only one or two people.

10. Change incandescent light with CFL bulbs.


The Strategic Energy Security Goals (ESGs) of the Army's Energy Security and Implementation Strategy are:

  1. Reduced energy consumption
  2. Increased energy efficiency across platforms and facilities
  3. Increased use of new renewable and alternative
  4. Assured access to sufficient energy supplies
  5. Reduced adverse impacts on the environment.


Army Energy Security Vision

An effective and innovative Army energy posture, which enhances and ensures mission success and quality of life for our Soldiers, Civilians and their Families through Leadership, Partnership, and Ownership, and also serves as a model for the nation.


Army Energy Security Mission

Make energy a consideration for all Army activities to reduce demand, increase efficiency, seek alternative sources, and create a culture of energy accountability while sustaining or enhancing operational capabilities.

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Date created: 11/19/2010 2:47:31 PM
Date last updated: 3/15/2011 3:19:01 PM