USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for USAID

USAID-Devex Essay Contest: Last Chance to Add Your Voice

Through a joint USAID and Devex essay contest, you have the exciting opportunity to have your say on the most pressing issues in international development – and to be published along with the most prominent international development leaders of our time. The deadline for submission is this Sunday, January 8. USAID is seeking five of [...]

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Selectivity and Focus

You’ve heard USAID talk about selectivity and focus in theory, but what do these principles mean in practice? In response to the global trends that are reshaping the development landscape and in line with the QDDR and PPD, USAID will apply seven operational principles across the Agency to help us focus on achieving and measuring [...]

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Diaspora Entrepreneurs – Change Makers Back Home

When we think about the economic potential of the estimated 215 million international migrants residing in countries other than their country of origin, we tend to fixate on the roughly 350 billion in money transfers sent annually to support family back home — perhaps with good reason. Remittances are a critical financial link between migrants [...]

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USAID and Partners Kick Off LAUNCH: Energy

There is something incredibly powerful about working alongside innovators and entrepreneurs who are on the brink of deploying products and technologies with the potential to solve longstanding development problems.  As USAID and our partners prepare to kick off the LAUNCH: Energy Forum this Friday at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, we are eagerly awaiting [...]

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Celebrating USAID’s Role in South Korea’s “Graduation”

In March, I accepted an award, on behalf of USAID, from South Korea’s Health Minister to honor the legacy of a remarkable partnership between USAID (and its predecessor, the International Cooperation Administration) and South Korea that facilitated the reconstruction of Korea’s medical education, research, and infrastructure in the wake of the Korean War.  At the [...]

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Celebrating USAID’s 50th Anniversary: The Early Years of USAID

As the Agency reflects on its fifty years of service to this nation, I recall my personal history in development, which began over fifty years ago at the International Cooperation Administration, carried on through the creation of USAID in 1961, and continues today. At 19, I was told by the State Department that I was [...]

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USAID in the News

Weekly Briefing (10/24/2011 – 10/28/2011) October 26: USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah was interviewed on Fox 5 News to discuss the launch of the new Public Service Announcements highlighting the FWD Campaign. Advertising Age also wrote an article on the videos that feature Dr. Jill Biden, Uma Thurman, Josh Hartnett, Geena Davis and Chanel Iman. [...]

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An Intern Looks at 50 years of USAID

Many Americans born before the baby boomer generation reference the adage “walking to school uphill both ways” to summarize the hardships they faced to gain access to an education.  Whether or not older generations actually faced an uphill walk to school, they certainly had to look harder—and in more places—for information. Today, it is quite [...]

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Celebrating USAID at 50: A Family History of Development

USAID’s efforts in international development are often represented merely by quantitative improvements within the Agency’s mission countries, but Mark Oviatt, currently part of USAID/Sri Lanka, shares some sentiments that prove USAID’s presence is more than just numbers. Mark Oviatt’s history with USAID began long before he was employed by the Agency.  Mark was raised overseas [...]

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MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Success and Innovations

On Wednesday, September 21, USAID and UK development agency DFID co-hosted, “MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Successes and Innovations.” The event highlighted several game-changing programs and policies of countries that have made significant progress towards achieving the MDGs. Along with Secretary Mitchell and Administrator Shah, featured speakers included: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson, The Elders [...]

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