USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for 50th Anniversary

USAID’s Frontlines – October/November 2011

Read the latest edition of USAID’s premier publication, FrontLines to learn more about the Agency’s 50th anniversary as well as its work in food security. Some highlights: Decades-old projects in former Soviet bloc countries show how USAID investments can nudge countries on the path to political, social and economic reward Before-and-after satellite imagery proves 40 years [...]

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USAID Celebrates 50 years of Saving Lives Across the Globe

As featured on GHTC The US Agency for International Development (USAID) celebrates 50 years of leadership and expertise in addressing development challenges to improve lives across the globe.  Since it launched, USAID has had a rich history of supporting global health, including research and development (R&D). Some of the major breakthroughs in global health that [...]

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Celebrating USAID’s Role in South Korea’s “Graduation”

In March, I accepted an award, on behalf of USAID, from South Korea’s Health Minister to honor the legacy of a remarkable partnership between USAID (and its predecessor, the International Cooperation Administration) and South Korea that facilitated the reconstruction of Korea’s medical education, research, and infrastructure in the wake of the Korean War.  At the [...]

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Celebrating USAID’s 50th Anniversary: The Early Years of USAID

As the Agency reflects on its fifty years of service to this nation, I recall my personal history in development, which began over fifty years ago at the International Cooperation Administration, carried on through the creation of USAID in 1961, and continues today. At 19, I was told by the State Department that I was [...]

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An Intern Looks at 50 years of USAID

Many Americans born before the baby boomer generation reference the adage “walking to school uphill both ways” to summarize the hardships they faced to gain access to an education.  Whether or not older generations actually faced an uphill walk to school, they certainly had to look harder—and in more places—for information. Today, it is quite [...]

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50 Years of Partnership with Kenya – Part 2 of 4

USAID and Kenyan partners created the Northern Rangelands Trust, or NRT, which is an umbrella organization that oversees local conservancies owned and managed by local communities.  The roles of NRT include building capacity, ensuring financial transparency, and improving local security for both pastoralists and tourists.  NRT also provides a means for granting microfinance loans – [...]

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Celebrating USAID at 50: A Family History of Development

USAID’s efforts in international development are often represented merely by quantitative improvements within the Agency’s mission countries, but Mark Oviatt, currently part of USAID/Sri Lanka, shares some sentiments that prove USAID’s presence is more than just numbers. Mark Oviatt’s history with USAID began long before he was employed by the Agency.  Mark was raised overseas [...]

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USAID at 50: Improving Health Services in Ethiopia

To commemorate USAID’s 50th anniversary and the concentrated efforts to improve health in Ethiopia, USAID co-sponsored the 2011 annual Every One Campaign Race to raise awareness about maternal and infant mortality rates within the country. While Ethiopia has some of the highest maternal and child mortality rates in the world, USAID and its partners are [...]

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50 Years of Stabilizing Countries and Supporting National Security

This week, we’re highlighting how in volatile regions, USAID works side-by-side with the military, playing a critical role in our nation’s effort to stabilize countries, and build responsive local governance. Development efforts can also prevent conflict from occurring and future military involvement by helping countries become more stable, prosperous and less prone to violent extremism. [...]

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50 Years of Achieving Real Results in Childhood Literacy

For the past 50 years, USAID and a growing number of partners have been working to improve the quality of education in developing countries with an emphasis on boosting child literacy.  In February of 2011, USAID launched its evidence-based education strategy – shifting the focus of global education toward achieving real results in childhood literacy, higher [...]

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