Entity List FAQs

  • 1. What is the Entity List?
  • 2. What is the background and purpose of the Entity List?
  • 3. Where can I find the Entity List?
  • 4. Why should I check the Entity List?
  • 5. Can a U.S. company have any dealings with a listed entity?
  • 6. Are U.S. companies prohibited under the EAR from doing business with specific entities that are not included on the Entity List?
  • 7. What are the different types of license requirements for listed entities?
  • 8. What is BIS’s policy for reviewing license applications that include listed entities as parties to the transaction?
  • 9. Are there any license exceptions available for listed entities?
  • 10. How often is the Entity List updated?
  • 11. A company that used to be on the Entity List is no longer listed. Can I ship to them now?
  • 12. What if a company I want to export to is at the same address as (e.g., co-located with) a listed entity?
  • 13. What if the name or address of the company I want to export to is a near match to a name or address on the Entity List?
  • 14. Can I export to a person on the Entity List if he/she is not located at the same address as listed in the EAR?
  • 15. Are all of the persons on the Entity List included because they violated the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by exporting, reexporting and/or transferring items subject to the EAR?
  • 16. Is there an appeals process for listed entities? If so, how does it work?
  • 18. Do other U.S. Government export screening lists include U.S. persons?
  • 19. Does BIS work with other U.S. Government agencies to administer the Entity List?
  • 20. Who should I contact if I have more questions about the Entity List?
  • 21. Do the license requirements and policies of the Entity List apply to branch office and subsidiaries if the parent company is the listed entity?
  • 22. I want to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to a company that I know is partially owned by a listed entity. Do the Entity List’s licensing requirements and policies apply?
  • 23. Do the license requirements and policies in the Entity List also apply to the parent company if a subsidiary is a listed entity?
  • 24. Do the restrictions for a listed alias differ from the main entry?
  • 25. Can I use a company that is a listed entity as a freight forwarder? Can I use a listed entity as the freight carrier transporting my shipment?
  • 26. If a person on the Entity List enters the United States, can I do business with that person?
  • 27. Can a U.S. company import items from listed entities?
  • 28. Can a listed entity act as my company’s sales agent?
  • 29. Can a student at a university listed on the Entity List intern at my company?
  • 30. Can my company enter into collaborative research projects with universities on the Entity List?
  • 31. Can my company hire an individual employed by a university on the Entity List while he/she continues to work at the university?
  • 32. Can my company hire an individual who used to be employed by a university on the Entity List?
  • 33. Can my company donate items subject to the EAR to a university on the Entity List?
  • 34. What is the relationship of the Entity List to other lists maintained by the U.S. Government?
  • 35.  What does it mean when BIS incorporates entities into the Entity List by reference?
  • 36. Is the Entity list the same as the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List?
  • 37. Is the Entity List the same as the Denied Persons List?

Deemed Exports FAQs

  • 1. What is the "deemed export" rule?
  • 2. What is a "release" of technology?
  • 3. What is "technology"?
  • 4. When do I need to apply for an export license for technology under the "deemed export" rule?
  • 5. How do I know if a foreign national would be subject to the "deemed export" rule?
  • 6. How are individuals handled who are permanent residents or citizens of countries other than those of their nationality?
  • 7. What if the individual is a foreign national of one country, say India, but has obtained permanent residency in another, say the U.K.?
  • 8. If this same Indian foreign national traveled to visit facilities in a third country, say Germany, do the licensing requirements change, or is the release still treated as a transfer to the U.K. for licensing purposes?
  • 9. What if that same Indian foreign national comes to the United States?
  • 10. Now, what about changes in nationality? If a person was a citizen of India but subsequently became a citizen of the U.K., how is that person treated for export control purposes?
  • 11. What if the Indian foreign national becomes a citizen of the U.K. but retains his or her Indian citizenship, as well? This is the situation of people who have dual-citizenship.
  • 12. I have read elsewhere on your web page the requirements for information that the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) wants in order to process a "deemed export" license application. I see that you require a lot of personal data, including citizenship and country of origin. I understand that I cannot ask for such information from my employees under the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) rules. How do I get that information?
  • 13. What is a "deemed re-export"?
  • 14. What technologies are subject to the Commerce Department controls?
  • 15. Is software considered "technology" and is it similarly controlled?
  • 16. What technologies are considered "fundamental research"?
  • 17. Are exports and "deemed exports" of encryption items handled the same way as other technology items?
  • 18. We have several foreign national employees in our firm, which has several divisions and an administrative area. Two of the divisions, the Research and Development (R&D) division and the Advanced Manufacturing/Processing (ADMP) division, work with technical data for advanced materials used in electronic and jet engine manufacturing which is controlled under ECCNs 2E001, 3E001, and 9E003, and we have several foreign national engineers working there. None of the other divisions work with controlled technical data, and we have some foreign national employees in them as well. The divisions are not co-located. Do I need an export license for all of the foreign national employees?
  • 19. My company wants to employ an Indian foreign national who spent three years working for an Indian organization that is on the Entity List. May I do so? Do I require a license?
  • 20. An Indian foreign national who is on sabbatical from an Indian organization that is on the Entity List wants to work with our firm in our executive training program where we will discuss proprietary technology which is not controlled to India. We have had an ongoing exchange of executives and scientists from this organization for years. Do I require a license?
  • 21. Our university does research under U.S. government sponsorship. We may have foreign national researchers working on this. Is a deemed export license required?
  • 22. What are the Deemed Export requirements under the EAR as they relate to the patent requirements under the United States Patent Trade Office (USPTO) Regulations?
  • 23. Our university has several departments that are conducting research under contract with private corporations. Some of this research is controlled "development" technology. We often have researchers (visiting faculty, post-graduate fellows, and research assistants) who are foreign nationals working on controlled "development" technology research. Does the university need to apply for a deemed export license?

Related Regulatory Information FAQs

  • 1. My company just hired a foreign national employee who was recently admitted for permanent residence in the U.S. Do I need to apply for a deemed export license in order to transfer export-controlled technology to her?
  • 2. How do I treat foreign nationals with dual-citizenship under the deemed export rule?
  • 3. How do I determine the deemed export licensing requirements for individuals with non-U.S. permanent residence status?
  • 4. What happens if an individual’s most recent citizenship or residency cannot be determined?
  • 5. How do I determine if “use” technology available to a foreign national here in the United States requires a deemed export license?
  • 6. Using the above guidelines, I have determined that the “use” technology to be released to a foreign national is subject to the EAR. How can I determine the commodity classification of the “use” technology?
  • 7. Does this mean that my foreign national employee, researcher, or student needs a deemed export license to operate export controlled equipment?
  • 8. Do I need authorization for a foreign graduate student to work in my laboratory?
  • 9. Is there a deemed export license requirement for EAR99 technology?


  • 1. How will BIS' July 12, 2001, regulations implementing the Trade Sanctions and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 affect chemical/biological exports?
  • 2. What information should I submit with my application to the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for authorization to export an item related to chemicals, biologicals or associated equipment that requires commodity classification by the Department of Commerce?
  • 3. I want to export impellers made of materials which meet the control parameters for agitators controlled under ECCN 2B350. Do I need a license since the impeller alone doesn't constitute an agitator?
  • 4. I manufacture decontamination kits for chemical and biological agents for use by law enforcement agencies. The kits do not contain any CCL-controlled chemicals. Do I need a license to export? What about for chemical/biological destruction equipment?
  • 5. What information should I provide in support of a license application for an item controlled for CB reasons to facilitate expeditious processing at the earliest stages?
  • 6. I have heard of a project to destroy abandoned chemical weapons in China. Will U.S. firms be participating?
  • 7. My application for an export license is taking longer than anticipated. What could I have done to expedite the process?
  • 8. Why did a BIS official ask me if I had a purchase order when the regulations do not specifically require one before I apply for an export license?
  • 9. Why are we restricted to only 20 end users per application?
  • 10. What agencies review CB license applications?
  • 11. Why do we need to get a license to export equipment commonly used in process lines such as pumps and valves?
  • 12. I manufacture luxury pens with a Teflon writing tip. I understand that Teflon can contain substantial amounts of PFIB, a CWC controlled Schedule 2A chemical. Do I have to get a license now to export my pens?
  • 13. I manufacture small industrial equipment in the United States that does not require a license for export to most destinations. Am I responsible for the end-use after the export?

Encryption FAQs

  • What is an encryption registration?
  • How long does it take to receive a response from BIS for my encryption registration?
  • Who is required to submit an Encryption Registration, classification request or self-classification report?
  • What are my responsibilities for exporting or re-exporting encryption products where I am not the product manufacturer?
  • What should I do if I cannot obtain the Encryption Registration Number (ERN) or the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for the item from the producer or manufacturer?
  • Can a third-party applicant submit an encryption registration and self-classification report on my behalf?
  • How do I report exports and reexports of items with encryption?
  • Can I export encryption technology under License Exception ENC?
  • What is “non-standard cryptography”?
  • How do I complete Supplement No. 5 if I am a law firm or consultant filing on behalf of a producer or exporter of encryption items?
  • What if you are not the producer of the item or filing directly on behalf of the producer (e.g., law firm/consultant)?
  • What do I need to submit with an encryption commodity classification request in SNAP-R?
  • Is Supplement No. 6 to Part 742 required for paragraph 740.17(b)(1) authorization?
  • How do I submit a Supplement No. 8 –Self Classification Report for Encryption Items?
  • When do I file Supplement No. 8 –Self-Classification Report for Encryption Items?
  • What is Note 4?
  • I have an item that was reviewed and classified by BIS and made eligible for export under paragraph (b)(3) of License Exception ENC in 2009. The encryption functionality of the item has not changed. This item is now eligible for self-classification under paragraph (b)(1) of License Exception ENC. What are my responsibilities under the new rule?
  • When do I need a “deemed export” license for encryption technology and source code?

Wassenaar FAQs

  • What is the role of the Wassenaar Arrangement?
  • Are Participating States required to maintain export controls on certain items?
  • What is the relationship of the Wassenaar Arrangement to other non-proliferation regimes?
  • Do Wassenaar Arrangement commitments affect legitimate defense trade and technology transfers?
  • What are the criteria for membership?
  • Can countries implement the Wassenaar Arrangement control lists without joining the Arrangement?
  • What is the current membership of the Wassenaar Arrangement?
  • Is there a benefit to membership?
  • What are the information exchange requirements?
  • Is the information exchanged in the Arrangement confidential?
  • Where and how often are meetings held?
  • How is the Arrangement paid for?

Trade Sanctions Reform Act (TSRA) FAQs

  • How does the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA) affect export license requirements to Cuba?
  • Which items are included in the definition of agricultural commodities?
  • Are there any agricultural items that are not eligible for this program?
  • May I use License Exception AGR to export agricultural commodities to government end-users in Cuba?
  • Are pesticides and herbicides eligible for License Exception AGR?
  • Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) eligible for License Exception AGR?
  • May I use License Exception AGR to export technology, software and equipment used to manufacture or grow agricultural commodities in Cuba?
  • May I use License Exception AGR to export agricultural equipment?
  • Are cigarettes agricultural commodities?
  • Are cardboard boxes agricultural commodities?
  • May I use License Exception AGR to export donations of food, other agricultural commodities and samples of agricultural commodities?
  • May I still use Exception GFT for gift parcels containing food to Cuba?
  • May I use License Exception AGR to export food and medical items to Iran or Sudan?
  • Why are medicines and medical devices ineligible for this program for Cuba?
  • May I travel to Cuba in connection with exports I make or plan to make under License Exception AGR?
  • Does License Exception AGR authorize the export of a vessel, fuel, or ship stores with respect to vessels carrying authorized agricultural commodities to Cuba?
  • Are vessels carrying agricultural commodities to Cuba subject to the Cuban Democracy Act's 180 day ban on entering U.S. ports?
  • Is there a waiver of the contract requirement for emergency cases?
  • What if the multi-purpose application form (BIS-748P) is incomplete when submitted?
  • If I obtain authorization to use License Exception AGR to export a certain amount of an agricultural commodity under License Exception AGR and, subsequent to that authorization, my customer wants to increase the amount purchased to a level that exceeds the amount on my AGR authorization, may I ship that increased amount?
  • May I substitute items if the total export remains the same in dollar value and quantity?
  • Will BIS develop a list of approved entities to whom we may ship without further notification?
  • Do I need to start the notification process all over again if I am shipping in quarterly installments over the one year period?
  • What do I do if the purchaser in Cuba asks me to ship to a recipient or a location that is different from the recipients or locations I submitted in my prior notification?
  • How do I file a notification?
  • What is SNAP-R?
  • How will I know if BIS has registered my notification or whether any reviewing agency has objected to my notification, and when I may ship?
  • What is STELA?
  • How do I complete the notification for License Exception AGR?
  • Do I need a BIS commodity classification prior to submitting a License Exception AGR notification?
  • Do I need a BIS commodity classification prior to submitting a license application to OFAC to export agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to Iran or Sudan?
  • How do I complete the SNAP-R commodity classification work item form?